St. John Bosco (1888) did not make his boys do long prayers. Instead he encouraged short visits to the Blessed Sacrament & ejaculatory prayers (one liners).
With regards to the quick visits, Fr. Jimmy Hernandez from the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. shared this to me. A construction worker would use his lunch breaks to visit a nearby church. It took him half an hour to get there, so all that he can do is knell and pray, "Lord, this is Jose. I just dropped by to say hello." Then he'd hurry back to the site.
One day he had an accident and was hospitalized. When his friends stopped over, they found him laughing. He said the Lord stopped by saying, "Jose, this is the Lord. I just dropped by to say hello."
While most churches are closed when there’s no service precluding a chance visit, we can at least say an ejaculatory prayer like “O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise & all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.” as we drive by.