Oct 14, 2010

Video: The View Gets Ugly. Whoopi and Behar fight with O’Reilly and storm off set.

Whoopi and Behar fight with O’Reilly, storm off set.  Check out the observations and distinctions made to see how hyprocritical these gestures were.  If video fails, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/10/view-gets-ugly-whoopi-and-behar-fight.html

Excellent observations and distinctions made by AllahPundit
"O’Reilly’s sin here is to say that 9/11 was perpetrated by Muslims rather than by Muslim extremists, an offense so egregious to Behar that her delicate conscience had to be removed from his presence. Funny thing: That same conscience never trembled when leftist moron Rosie O’Donnell dropped dark hints about 9/11 being an inside job on a regular basis on the show. In other words, fail to specify which view of Islam the hijackers held and Behar’s apt to need smelling salts; suggest that the attack wasn’t perpetrated by Muslims at all and … not a twitch. You’re a good liberal, Joy. Say, I wonder what happens on Joy’s talk show when lefty guests deride “the tea party” as racist, violent, anti-gay, etc etc? Does she walk out then too in indignation at the guests’ refusal to properly qualify which tea partiers they mean? I’d check the tapes, except … see the first paragraph above.

As for Whoopi, she chimes in with ye olde left-wing canard about Timothy McVeigh being a Christian. It’s not true — unlike the hijackers, neither he nor his motive were religious — but no amount of persuasion will get liberals to give up that talking point. It’s too useful in drawing false equivalencies when jihadists attack. Anyway, O’Reilly duly apologizes and clarifies what he meant and the two “hosts” duly return, content that he’s been properly chastened, and all’s well that ends well. Note to O’R: Next time you’re on, suggest that Bush blew up the Towers as a pretext for starting a war with Iraq. See if anyone leaves. I know which way I’m betting. "

Videos: DC Candidate Missy Smith's ads is chance to air pro-life ads in MSM.

From Les-Femmes
"But the media is obliged to take political ads and have no right of censorship. So running for office is one of the most effective ways to get pro-life ads on TV. Check out the two below which are scheduled to run in the late news hours on the three major networks. And please help purchase additional air time by contributing to Missy's campaign."

If videos fail, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/10/videos-dc-candidate-missy-smiths-ads-is.html

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