May 12, 2012

Obama team creates bogus issues, fake divisions then takes a side.

We have now seen Barack Obama's plan for re-election. It isn't going to talk about his record, it isn't going to talk about jobs, it isn't going to talk about the economy, it isn't going to talk about gas prices, it isn't going to talk about a nuclear Iran, it isn't going to talk about poverty or food stamps...His plan for re-election...CREATE FAKE ISSUES SO AMERICA WON'T LOOK AT HOW HORRIBLE HE HAS BEEN! That is all he has. How sad!

Sadly, this is enough for the feeble minds of his supporters because they are uncritical, uninformed, unreflective and irrational. But it cannot fool Consevatives, Independents and other people of good sense and goodwill. 

Happy Mothers' Day - from Obama team

See the video and learn more at Ann Romney raised 5 boys. She successfully battled breast cancer and multiple sclerosis. But what does White House insider Hilary Rosen say about Ann Romney? "Guess what, his wife has actually never worked a day in her life." And Bill Maher, who gave $1 million supporting Obama, attacks: "Ann Romney has never gotten her ass out of the house."
Happy Mother's Day from Barack Obama's Team!

Bishop Robert Morlino on Obama & Gay Marriage, Georgetown & Sebelius, and the Paul Ryan Budget

On EWTN's The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, Wisconsin Bishop Robert Morlino discusses President Obama's and Vice President Biden's support for same-sex marriage, Georgetown University's controversial commencement invitation to Kathleen Sebelius, and the morality of Congressman Paul Ryan's budget.

My comment:
Effective bishops have a balance political savvy as well as pastoral sense. Watch how Bp. Robert tells it in a way that you can discern the hard truth if you seek it or you can hear what you want if you can't handle the truth yet. 

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