Jan 27, 2012

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Free viewing of film that CAIR is suppressing.

'The Third Jihad' Producers Reply to New York Times Articles

Documentary recently pulled from NYPD counterterrorism training; Times articles filled with innuendo and inaccuracies

The New York Times has sharply criticized the New York Police Department for using the critically-acclaimed documentary The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision for America in counterterrorism training.

The New York Times has published two news articles (first, second), as well as an editorial entitled "Hateful Film" in the past 48 hours.

In response, film producer Raphael Shore has issued the following statement:

"We regret that the film has been taken out of the counterterrorism training program of the NYPD. The New York Times stories are proof positive that the Clarion Fund's high-quality and impactful documentaries touch very sensitive nerves.


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