Dec 16, 2010

Real Muslim terrorist training video. Fail. Hilarious.

Looks like karma drove over the koranimal's filthy dogma.  If video fails, go to

Christian monastic spirituality. unpublished clip from interviews with Carthusian prior-general

I considered becoming a monk when I was younger.  But after a week of a silent retreat, spiritual exercises, I know that it is not my path.  It is awesome and sensible but, I was not cut out and wired for it.  In essence it is living for God alone and having only God.  To do that, one negates or dettaches from everything else.  It is like emptying a glass of pop to fill it with wine.  It our lives are filled with possessions and relationships, then it cannot be filled by God - in the way of the monks.  It can be filled somehow in another way i.e. by way of the lay Christian.  But it is different.  However, the prayers, sacrifices and dedication of these chosen souls bring God's grace much more than any preaching or work of charity - imho.  If video fails, go to

From video description:  "This is an unpublished clip from two video interviews with carthusian monk Marcellin Theeuwes, the prior-general of the Carthusian order, made by the television channel of the Dutch Roman Catholic Church (RKK) They are filmed at the carthusian monastery of "La Grande Chartreuse". He talks about his live as a Cartusian monk, his motivation, his diffiiculties, christian sprituality and much more.
I can not put these interviews on youtube because they are sold on DVD.  BUT you can watch them for FREE on the website of RKK and use the free english subtitles available on

Another One. A Facebook Christmas

If video fails, go to

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