Nov 11, 2009

Video: Communist Chinese Turning to God in Millions


This trailer presents the first 10 minutes of the CRTN - documentary "An Awakening Faith."

Copyright : CRTN
Executive Producer: Mark Riedemann
Producer: Yago de la Cierva

The 54-minute film explores one of Chinas best-kept secrets: religion. From a rural underground parish and a clandestine seminary to the government supported Buddhist Temples and Islamic mosque at the heart of Beijing, the country is undergoing a massive resurgence of religious belief - and the authorities do not know how to handle it.

The Catholic Church too in China is undergoing a remarkable resurgence, yet tensions still exist between official and underground churches though great strides have been made between the Vatican and the Chinese authorities to establish a modus vivendi.

Complete hour version at: or click here

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