Dec 7, 2008

The "just" war vs. "jihad"

     There are certain conditions that justifies Christians to take up arms. WWII is a clear struggle with evil.   
     But Christians do not engage in "jihad" with non-believers ( - not in my lifetime at least).
     On the contrary, I've heard a rumor that during the ethnic cleansing at Kosovo, the late Pope John Paul II sent armaments to help the Moslems - not the "Christians".

Turning the Other Cheek

     Turning the other cheek is not the acquiencense of the weak & cowardly, but the non-violent resistance of the patient & the brave. Gandhi used this to free India from Britain. (They may be Hindus but Gandhi got the idea from the Gospel.)  It took down Communism at Gadansk. It is the soul of the civil rights movement in the US.  And the inspiration of many "People Power" movements all around the world.

Fraternal Correction

One tells the offender what's wrong. If that does not work, one brings a group like an "intervention". Finally, one uses tough love & shuns the unrepentant one.

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