Jun 23, 2012

More on the difference between Obama's Fast and Furious vs. other Gun Stings.

Don't let the Democrats fool people.  Share this and let the truth convict them.

Was the Fast & Furious a botched scandal, or a deliberate effort to undermine the Second Amendment? Find out ...

President Obama personally inserted himself into the Fast & Furious gun walking scandal after he extended executive privilege over certain DOJ documentation. Was the Fast & Furious a botched scandal, or a deliberate effort to undermine the Second Amendment? Find out as Bill Whittle explores the ideological motives behind the Fast & Furious scandal.

Jesus teaches levitation

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be. Lk12:34

Sin is not just breaking God's laws; ....

Religion is a relationship not regulations.  So it is not a Sunday only thingee in church as Pelosi thinks.

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