Jan 23, 2012

2012 Pro-life March Washington DC. Obama's response.

The rally and march.
We're fathers, priests, nuns and brothers, high schoolers from Catholic schools, wounded victims of abortion, even challenged folks who were respected and made to live;  we're nobodies in the world, not rich, not famous, not powerful.

But we all came to make a stand, to make a difference - even by our mere and lowly presence.  Some flew from far away states;  I took a long lunch break and rode the metro. And we made it - for the Lord, for our Lady and I know that they saw us and were pleased.

We want to send a message about stopping legalized murder of unborn children.  We will adopt them and give money to help raise them.  But all we ask is that, in the name of G-d, stop killing the unborn children.

Obama response.
Pity - all that talent being used stupidly and immorally.  He talks about the dreams of girls being possible because they can murder their baby.  Obama makes MLK turn white in his grave.  MLK talked about the content of character and dreamed of that being the measure of a man.  To waste an unborn child is to be devoid of character.  Such fillicide, murder of an offspring, is not a dream but a nightmare.  Going back to Obama.  If he cannot figure out if a fetus is human, then he should not be president.  People at lower paygrades know for certain, with scientific and medical corroboration that the fetus is human - with inalienable rights from their Creator;  right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  And if Obama does not get this concept, then he is not worthy of public service.  Well perhaps, dog catcher.  Dogs don't have inalienable rights.

Pictures feature:  Save the wails,  Baby with outstreched arms, Not your DNA - not your body, old nun, "Bukas Loob Sa Diyos" ecclesial movement, Allen West, aborted child - pieces, human rights violation, babies are a blessing, cops, tree protection area, your mom chose life, speak up for those who can't and yours truly.
Click here to go to album.

Video:  from the rally to the march.

In the video: Crusader for Life, K of C San Lorenzo Council Virginia Beah,
St. Francis University Loretto, San Antonia de Padua Bronx, NY, Ave Maria Students for Life Florida et al.

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