Oct 3, 2009

Video: You can let go now daddy.

Letting go will happen sooner than what we thought or felt. So we better cherish every moment and prepare our daughters, so that it will be easy when the time comes.

Click here for source or type http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwS_Pt4ZfMQ

Video: "It's not over."

EU passed Lisbon treaty? USCCB funding immorality? Democrats railroading socialized medicine? Divorcing or divorced? Failing at school? Career in the rut? Unemployed and unemployable? Health going down? Enslaved by habitual sin; going blind in the process?

3 words. It's not over.

Source type http://www.tangle.com/view_video.php?viewkey=0abf7c449c0ee10b3089 or click here.

Vid: Abp. Chaput on Politics and Faith

Click here for source or type http://www.realcatholictv.com/index.php?id=1280

Abp. Chaput talks about the political implications of faith and the responsibility to form and follow a healthy conscience.

Video: in support of Ireland voting for PRO LIFE

Click here for direct link or type http://en.gloria.tv/?media=34081

Description: in support of Ireland voting for PRO LIFE

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