This post might make me look like a nut; but, if it will inspire at least 1 person to venture out and protect the unborn, to keep God from being offended, then it will all be worth it.
In earlier posts, I’ve written about our campaign to save the unborn and all the trouble that brought. Now I want to share what I thought are consolations that came my way because of that. The way I see it is that, if you put yourself on the line for God, then God will reward you – even in the here and now.
First of all, I woke up one day with the certainty that I shall meet the Blessed Mother that very day. I did not feel scared or apprehensive. I anticipated the event with peace. I was off that day, so I went to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. I went to the bookstore and got at statue of our Lady of the Americas. Then, I went up to the main Church where I started going through the side chapels. Then a lady stepped out of the Guadalupe chapel. She was white, in her 30s, white T-shirt, blue jeans, badly polished toes, flat hair and average beauty. She smelled like urine. “What’s in the bag?” she asked. I was kind of nervous, awed, and wondering as I replied, “It’s a statute of our Lady.” She asked to see it and I handed it to her. “It’s beautiful.” She says. I asked her name and she answered, “Sophia.” I forgot what else we talked about if any, but after parting from her I kept thinking and I saw her walking away. It might be lame but I got a couple of bucks from my wallet and walked to her. I looked at her and handed her the money as I asked, “Will you pray for me?” She took my gift and said, “Yes.” Then she walked to the center of the Church and I went my way wondering if it was indeed our Lady. Later I'd find out that our Lady of Guadalupe in the Patroness of the Pro-life Movement.
The second consolation happened as I was driving into the company garage, a vintage car (circa ~ 1950s) in mint condition, chrome and all, drove out. The driver honked his horn that sounded like church organ music so I turned to him. He smiled ear to ear with his jolly and full-bearded Santa Claus face. I've been working there for over 6 years and have never seen him or his car. So, I think it might have been an angel. Years later, I was browsing one of those coffee table books when I saw that very face and the title of the picture was Angel Gabriel.
The third was meeting Bo Sanchez shown in the picture. In his Wiki page, one would place him in the same league as late Blessed Teresa. That says it all.
Bottom line, it is not about me. It is about protecting the unborn and how God rewards those who do it.