I know this is Jewish but the Pope taught that we can work with them in building the human community. It is with the Muslims that any substantive dialogue is impossible - we cannot compromise with evil. See how different God's chosen people are. Shalom Israel. If video fails, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/12/working-with-jewish-group-to-build.html
Description: This AJWS public service announcement, created by uber-producer/director/writer Judd Apatow, shows a funnier, edgier side of global justice and features some big-name stars: Ben Stiller, Sarah Silverman, Jerry Seinfeld, John Mayer, Susan Sarandon, Sir Patrick Stewart, Andy Samberg, Ken Jeong, Tracy Morgan, Helen Hunt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Gilbert Gottfried, Brian Williams and Triumph the Insult Comedy Dog.
The project aims to teach parents and caregivers how to educate children about sex -- from birth.And it recommends telling teenagers about masturbation, oral sex and “where to go for help to prepare to be sexually active.” more from CNS
Bottom line, a cottage industry is starting and it involves our children. The business plan and course of study is make the children promiscuous. Have them fornicate with broken condoms and pills. When they conceive, have them kill the child in secret as provided by the privacy acts and in collaboration with the public schools. All this will be funded by the American tax payer through Obamacare.
But we can still do something about it. With the Republicans in Congress this 2011, we can defund Obamacare if not repeal it altogether. We can have a voucher program for schools so that we can shield our children while they're vulnerable. We can have laws to prevent minors from procuring abortions. And in 2012, never elect a Liberal into public office ever. They'll just get in the way as we restore our country into decency and morality.
The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. (Psalm 118:22) The Latinos can prevent the Islamization of the USA. Then again, the Democrats can easily stack the deck by increasing the quotas of Muslim immigrants in the DREAM act. If video fails, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/12/keeping-us-christian-counteracting.html
While appearing on MSNBC's The Ed Show, civil rights leader Jesse Jackson called for a "radical reordering" of the nation's economy because, as he put it, "those, the very top are drowning in wealth.
...He also called on the President to go to Congress and push for a "revived war on poverty". more from Examiner
This seems to be the Democrat's forte as they pretend to champion the poor as they sacrifice their own careers. But wait... If video fails, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/12/radical-reordering-of-us-economy-to.html
If you text and drive, please watch for your sake. You can either die, turn into a veggie or be forever remorseful. Exciting footage of actual, not staged, accidents.
Be there. say yes as often as possible. let them
bang on pots. if they’re crabby, put them in
water. if they’re unlovable, love yourself. realize
HOW important it is to be a child. Go to A
movie theatre in your PAJAMAS. read books
out loud with joy. invent pleasures together.
remember how small THEY are. GiGGle A lot.
surprise them. say no when necessary. teach
feelings. Heal your own inner child. learn about
parenting. Hug trees together. Make loving safe.
Bake A cake and eat it with your hands. Go
Find elephants and kiss them. plan to build a
rocket ship. imagine yourself magic. make lots
of forts with blankets. let your angel fly. reveal
your own dreams. search out the positive. Keep
the gleam in your eye. Mail letters to GOD.
encourage silly. plant licorice in your garden !
open up. stop yelling. express your love ! a lot.
speak kindly. paint their tennis shoes. Handle
with caring.
from http://www.planetsark.com/eshop_products_posters_feat_02.htm
The Democrats realize the need to repackage themselves and are turning to Hollywood for the job. It might have begun with this little muppet song and dance that portrays Obama as someone who's trying to do good yet failing because of events beyond his control. Watch how he is offended by Biden's fowl mouth. If video fails, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/12/obama-biden-2010-year-in-review.html
If they think that this cute little item will make people forget who Obama is and what he stands for, then they have misjudged the people.
Last year, we got snowed in without power. We cannot drive out as the streets have not been cleared and have over 5 feet of snow. Then the power went out and took the furnace with it. That night, I turned on all 4 burners of the gas stove and boiled water to keep the place warm.
This year, I bought this converter that I plug in the car cigarette lighter outlet. From there, I can plug a long extension wire that will power a space heater. This model is Tailgate Inverter Max. It is available in stores that sell car parts and accessories.
We have the Pope decrying the violence inflicted on Christians abroad as blood covers many lands on Christmas day and the cardinal of the most powerful Christian nation is talking about good manners and right conduct in the blogosphere. We have the administration circumventing the people’s will by regulations that curtail freedom and processes that introduce death panels; yet, Church leaders seem oblivious to these threats that they do not even prioritize them. The Liberals in Church are challenging Church teachings on life as “Catholic” hospitals provide abortion but we get a commentary on DADT instead. (If video fails, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/12/challenging-cardinal-in-washington-dc.html
The Church in DC is of immense political influence that can mean the survival of the Christians in the banana republics. But we choose to stay out of the fire-storm. We don’t even try to meet with the Catholics in the House, Senate and the White House for a talk to see what can be done. It is as though we’re ostriches with our heads in the sand. And I, for the love of God, don’t understand why.
Updated with responses from Msgr. Pope
Msgr. Charles Pope says:
December 27, 2010 at 9:07 pm
*** Well again, you really ought to write to Chris Wallace on these matters. If you think the Cardinal’s “handlers” as you call them have input I can tell you they would LOVE to have the input you say they have. I have been on National Live Television (CNN, PBS, and local coverage of any number of events incluing TV and radio) and I can assure you that there are no advance copies of questions and negotiations on content. What the ADW staff do well is to prepare us for what MIGHT be asked but there is no certainty as to what WILL be asked. I remember one TV producer talking with me in the Green Room and he was the producer mind you, but he said to me: “Well here is what the anchor may ask you but we never know for sure if they will ask these sorts of things or something else. We only propose but they do the interview.” Thus, even the producers are often uncertain where the Anchor will go and what they will choose to emphasize.
You also are very flattering in your description of the “immense political influence” that the Church in DC has. Sadly this is no tthe case and I will tell you why: the Catholic Laity are divided politically. We do meet all the time with POLs. I have personally sat in the offices of some pretty powerful people at both Federal and District levels and had them say to me something like this: “Father, I hear your poistion on this. But I’m a politician and I know how to read polls. Your people aren’t with you on this, you don’t represent most of them on this, I do. Thanks for stopping Msgr. By the way how is your dear, sainted mother? Oh! She died?! I’m sorry I didn’t know that. Awful sorry Msgr., God bless you now, stop by any time.”
So Ricky I want to challenge you, as a lay person, to go out and start rallying the Catholic faithful and get them foursquare behind us on abortion, gay “marriage” issues. Politically organize them Ricky, call for a Rally that will overwhelm washington (do you know that if only 10% of Catholics showed up for the March for life there would be 7,700,000 people in DC?). And then I tell you the Pols would quake in their boots if any Catholic bishop knocked on the door. There are 77 million Catholics and it belongs to the laity to politically organize. I am asking you Ricky to lead the charge and unify this disparate group. If we were united on any issue the pols would be calling us. Please start the movement, we are sadly divided. Shepherding Catholics is often like herding cats. Help us.
Ricky Vines says:
December 28, 2010 at 6:58 am
Msgr. Pope: Help me help you. To consolidate the Church in DC, we must be faithful in administering Her first and foremost – without regard to the popularity of our decisions. If we try to please everyone to gain their support, we end up pleasing no one and compromising the Divine trust placed upon us. For instance, if we don’t discipline the faithless within our jurisdiction, then we scandalize the faithful. We lose both.
When Bishop Olmstead yanked the Catholic status of that hospital, he rallied the faithful and drew the line with the faithless. That is also what makes Archbishop Chaput edifying; he is not caught up in human politics. He strives to keep the purity of doctrine and defend the Church from the obfuscations of the Liberals.
Here, we seem to try to accommodate the Liberals, not alienate them but slowly wean them to the truth. However, after 60 million dead babies, I think it’s about time to change tactics. I am just a layman and I cannot excommunicate anyone who supports abortion for instance. And if others, see Church leaders being chummy with pro-abortion pols and dissenting intellectual elites, then they start thinking that abortion may be OK depending on the situation. So, unless you, ordained ministers , start swinging your staff to drive out the wolves then the Pelosis and Bidens will continue to rip apart the flock with their pop theology and the babies continue to be slaughtered. BTW, happy (?) feastday of the Holy Innocents. God bless.
Msgr. Charles Pope says:
December 28, 2010 at 10:14 am
Ricky, are you aware that Bishop Olmstead was in a 7 year dialogue with the hospital over this issue? He didn’t exactly rush to the rescue.
Are you aware that Bishop Chaput supported the Dream Act. If you want Bishops to be involved in commenting on the validity of certain policies expect to have you conservative ox gored too. Catholicism. And when it is I wonder if you will be so serene about the Bishops interjecting themselves into politics when your ox is gored.
Now you as a layman are able and encouraged to get into politics, comment vigorously on policy, form and/or join political movements, seek to sway policy decisions etc. That is you role. I think that clergy however need to be very prudent and reticient to enter the policy debates – especially when reasonable men differ.,,, (DADT comments)...
Now as for you Ricky, you are more free. You are able to lead movements based on your opinion and gather those of like mind. You obviously think the Church is in need of reform and should be more conservative and less liberal (I am not sure if you mean this poilitically or theologically or both since repeal of DADT is largely an initiative of political liberals). But what ever the case, reform in the Church most often is from the grassroots. So get started Ricky. Don’t worry about the those “liberals,” just get started and overwhelm them. Unify the Church around your vision. I live for the day when the Catholic faithful are unitied on anything. If we were we would be a force to reckoned with. And remember when it comes to the temporal order YOU are the leader, not the clergy . Read your theology, it is the laity who are tasked with the renewal of the temporal order, not the clergy who are counselled and warned to stay aloof from politics and to prudently set forth Catholic teaching in a way that empowers the laity to their task of taking Catholic teaching into the political and social realm. By the authority invested in me by the Sacred Councils of the Church and the utterances of many recent Popes I hereby anoint you Ricky as leader in the movement to renew the temporal order. Don’t wait for the clergy to be perfect or more conservative, if so you’ll be waiting a long time for the perfect bishop or priest. No Ricky, you are hereby anointed to go out and organize the faith and take on this hell-bound sin-soaked and confused world.
As people make their way to get store credit or refunds from unwanted gifts, one wonders whether the gift from God is also returned - considering that it is not so much a present but a presence. It is certainly worth considering because being aware of God's presence makes life a lot more than a repetition of yesterday. St. Paul speaks of a Christian's life being hidden in Christ in his letter to the Collosians 3:1-4.
Admit it, you've given some terrible gifts. There's someone who has never given a bad gift, though...GOD! For Christmas, however, He gave us something no one could've imagined. This video illustrates the miracle of Christmas in a fun and poignant way. Made by Dan Stevers.
Rev. Franklin Graham speaks about Islam being an evil and wicked system by exposing its tenets. The Koran spouts violence to Jews and Christians in a clear and unequivocal way thus making Muslims an enemy of the state other than their own. Unfortunately, our government is either oblivious to this reality or complicit with the Islamic expansion program.
from the Gospel of St. John 10:10: Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Merry Christmas dear readers - even to those who do not know nor accept Jesus. Christmas is also for you because Jesus knows and accepts you. God bless.
The ancestors of the Christian Messiah, Jesus, have dubious (that's putting it lightly) pasts. Jacob wrestled with God. Rahab was a lying, goysha whore. Ruth, a Moabite. David, a politician who committed adultery and ordered a hit to cover his indiscretion. (Why am I thinking of JFK and slick Willy?) Zeydak, Eliakim and Azor - just regular Joes Smoes - nobodies. So, why is the messianic family tree so - dysfunctional? polluted? The video explains it better and if it fails, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/12/shameful-genealogy-of-christian-messiah.html
By the fruits, a tree is known. Also, it shows that the Jewish God is the Christian God as well. But the so-called diety of Muslims is obviously different from the Judeo-Christian God. To the Jewish people, I wish them a Happy Chanukkah. To the Muslims I counsel, stop worshiping a puppet of a bloody pedophile.
Eric Holder is being kept awake by worrying about US homegrown terrorists. "The threat has changed from simply worrying about foreigners coming here, to worrying about people in the United States, American citizens -- raised here, born here, and who for whatever reason, have decided that they are going to become radicalized and take up arms against the nation in which they were born," he said.
After considering the cases of domestic terrorism over the past decades, I think Eric needs to read these 3 books - even cursorily, to find the clue as to what made them radicalized. Afterall, these terrorists were all Muslims and upon interoggation have confessed to be motivated by the cult. But because these people were not linked to any terrorist group or taught my a devout Muslim, then the source would have to be the teachings of Islam and the primary sources are these 3.
Q'uran - the religious text of Islam.
Sunnah - sayings and livings habits of Muhammad
Hadith - narrations of the words and deeds of Muhammad
This can be a topic for a dissertation considering the subjects as a controlled element exposed only to these ideas thereby concluding that the teachings of Islam and the life of Muhammad leads one to deeds of violence against innocent people consequently debunking the myth that Islam is a religion of peace. You have around 7 subjects in a span of 15 years - an easy Ph. D. right there.
There's just got to be a law against this. This is the public square. If we can't have Nativity scenes, then this noise has got to go. It is offensive to my religious beliefs. ACLU where are you? Holder? Obummer? Whom am I kidding?
If you find a case where the EU prosecutes a Muslim for his teachings of holy war, let me know and I shall post it for the sake for fairness. For now, this law seems to apply only to non-Muslims.
Video description: Things you Haven't seen from the Checkpoints
as seen on Israeli TV - the commercial channel 2
Hussam Abdo, a 14 year old Palestinian boy. A suicide bomber getting caught at the Shchem (Nablus, Hawara) checkpoint.
Published material notes the boy's full name to be Hussam Bilal Abdo.
He was, according to his own family (see: 'The Making of a Martyr'), unpopular in class and wanted to be popular so the best way is to become a "martyr" hero and an older friend of his had direct connection with the bomb makers so he agreed to take him to them and they offered him 100 Israeli Shekels for doing the deed (about 24 US Dollars at the time of the event). Reports from the scene are that he started running towards the checkpoint and the soldiers noticed and ordered him to stop put and he did and was caught. He's currently in Israeli jail, even more brainwashed for "martyrdom" than before since his jail mates are all coming from the same retarded "Muqawama" (a.k.a. popular resistance / eternal conflict enhancement) ideology.
A more heart-breaking story (from 'Cult of the Suicide Bomber'), is that of Wafa Al-Biss, who got severely burned in her kitchen by a gas explosion (same and had her life saved in an Israeli hospital that treated her. Later, she abused her pass privilege to try and bring a bomb over, thinking of blowing herself up in the very hospital that saved her life and treated her like everyone else (she repeated this in a documentary, btw).
Look them up... stop terrorism.
p.s. both parents of the boy were alive at the time and his mother, Tamam, was quoted saying: "If he were over 18, I might even encourage him to do it."
Extra tags:
If Europans Knew What Palestine Is Doing
If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing
If Americans Knew What Palestine Is Doing
When soldiers come out of the closet, it's time to transfer to an allied force e.g. the Mossad. (The French Foreign Legion has koranimals, so it is not safe; friendly fire - isn't..)
To be a good Christian, one needs to be a good human first. If you want to go deep and ask why, it is because grace builds on nature.
The frat boy or the Greek lists 4 things to develop:
temperance: is defined as moderation or control over excess, so that it has many such classes, such as abstinence, chastity, modesty, humility, prudence, self-regulation, and forgiveness and mercy; each of these involves restraining some impulse, such as sexual desire, vanity, or anger.
prudence: is the characteristic of exercising sound judgment in practical affairs (not rocket science).
fortitude: Courage, bravery, fortitude, will, and intrepidity, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. "Physical courage" is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death, while "moral courage" is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement.
justice: renders to each and all what is due to them.
Guiddo draws from his great Roman heritage and looks at 12 rules before one is made.
Auctoritas — "Spiritual Authority" — The sense of one's social standing, built up through experience, Pietas, and Industria.
Comitas — "Humour" — Ease of manner, courtesy, openness, and friendliness.
Constantia — "Perseverance" — Military stamina, mental and physical endurance.
Clementia — "Mercy" — Mildness and gentleness.
Dignitas — "Dignity" — A sense of self-worth, personal pride.
Disciplina — "Discipline" — Military oath under Roman protective law & citizenship.
Firmitas — "Tenacity" — Strength of mind, the ability to stick to one's purpose.
Frugalitas — "Frugality" — Economy and simplicity of style, without being miserly. (Don't have to be a 'bella figura'.)
Gravitas — "Gravity" — A sense of the importance of the matter at hand, responsibility and earnestness.
Honestas — "Respectability" — The image that one presents as a respectable member of society.
Humanitas — "Humanity" — Refinement, civilization, learning, and being cultured.
Industria — "Industriousness" — Hard work.
Iustitia — "Justice" — Sense of moral worth to an action. (Huh? just look at the frat boy's definiton.)
Pietas — "Dutifulness" — More than religious piety; a respect for the natural order socially, politically, and religiously. Includes the ideas of patriotism and devotion to others.
Prudentia — "Prudence" — Foresight, wisdom, and personal discretion.
Salubritas — "Wholesomeness" — Health and cleanliness.
Severitas — "Sternness" — Gravity, self-control.
Veritas — "Truthfulness" — Honesty in dealing with others.
Virtus - "Manliness" - Valor, excellence, courage, character, and worth. Vir meaning "man".
The Kung Fu master follows the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhists - in case you're fascinated with fortune cookies and the like.
Right View - Realizing the Four Noble Truths (You don't want to know. It's all about suffering.)
Right Intention - Commitment to mental and ethical growth in moderation.
Right Speech - One speaks in a non hurtful, not exaggerated, truthful way.
Right Action - Wholesome action, avoiding action that would do harm.
Right Livelihood - One's job does not harm in any way oneself or others; directly or indirectly.
Right Effort - One makes an effort to improve.
Right Mindfulness - Mental ability to see things for what they are with clear consciousness.
Right Concentration - Wholesome one-pointedness of mind.
If you want some down to earth practices of clean living, ask the Tea Party dude and he'll tell you what Benjamin Franklin used to develop what he called 'moral perfection'.
Temperance: Eat not to Dullness. Drink not to Elevation.
Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling Conversation.
Order: Let all your Things have their Places. Let each Part of your Business have its Time.
Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.
Frugality: Make no Expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e. Waste nothing.
Industry: Lose no Time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary Actions.
Sincerity: Use no hurtful Deceit. Think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
Justice: Wrong none, by doing Injuries or omitting the Benefits that are your Duty.
Moderation: Avoid Extremes. Forbear resenting Injuries so much as you think they deserve.
Cleanliness: Tolerate no Uncleanness in Body, Clothes or Habitation.
Tranquility: Be not disturbed at Trifles, or at Accidents common or unavoidable.
Chastity: Rarely use Venery but for Health or Offspring; Never to Dullness, Weakness, or the Injury of your own or another's Peace or Reputation.
Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
You may pick one for the 2011. If you want to go back to this post next year, just scroll at the bottom and click on keyword 'virtue'. Or if you got them all and want to move to the supernatural level, type supernatural virtues in the search box.
The jihad persecution of Christians in Iraq continues to go largely unnoticed by human rights organizations and international bodies that are supposed to be trying to protect people who are threatened. "Iraqi Christians get set for a grim Christmas," by Rebecca Santana for the Associated Press, December 19 (thanks to all who sent this in):
IRBIL, Iraq-- They saw their brethren murdered during Mass and then were bombed in their homes as they mourned. Al-Qaida vowed to hunt them down. Now the Christian community of Iraq, almost as old as the religion itself, is sensing a clear message: It is time to leave.
And why? Because the international community has abandoned them. No one cares. To care about their predicament in Iraq would be "Islamophobic."
Since the Oct. 31 bloodbath in their Baghdad church, Iraqi Christians have been fleeing Sunni Muslim extremists who view them as nonbelievers and agents of the West. At a time when Christians in various parts of the Muslim world are feeling pressured, Iraqi Christians are approaching their grimmest Christmas since the U.S.-led invasion of 2003 and wondering if they have any future in their native land.
They have suffered repeated violence and harassment since 2003, when the interreligious peace rigidly enforced by Saddam Hussein fell apart. But the attack on Our Lady of Salvation in which 68 people died appears to have been a tipping point that has driven many to flee northward to the Kurdish enclave while seeking asylum in the U.S. and elsewhere.
'We are afraid'
What seemed different this time was the way the gunmen brazenly barged onto sacred ground, the subsequent targeting of homes by bombers who clearly knew every Christian address, and the Internet posting in which al-Qaida-linked militants took responsibility for the church attack and vowed a campaign of violence against Christians wherever they are.
Ban Daub, 51, narrowly survived the onslaught. She and her nephew were at prayer when they heard explosions. They escaped before five attackers stormed in, but many of their friends did not. A neighbor died clutching his son and daughter in his arms.
Days later a string of bombs went off outside Christian homes across Baghdad. Daub and her family packed a few belongings and headed to a Christian district called Ainkawa in this Kurdish city of Irbil.
"We are afraid for our sons and our children. There is no life in Baghdad for the Christians," she says....
In the Middle East and in Muslim countries beyond, Christians are finding themselves subject to violence and harassment. The Vatican is so worried that it hosted a two-week meeting of Mideast bishops this fall, dedicated to supporting Christian minorities....
Yes, and they singled out Israel for criticism while remaining largely silent about Islamic jihad.
Directed by: Rob Kaczmark Based on a Story by: Alexander McArthy
Co-Written by: Sr. Helena Burns, Meg McDonnell & Danny Hidalgo
Produced by: Spirit Juice Studios Cpyright 2010. Spirit Juice Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
License: All rights reserved
I am delighted to be here in Paris, the birthplace of modern European secular governance. And I am especially delighted to have been invited here by Gandalf, who founded the Alliance to Stop Sharia. Gandalf has been instrumental in shifting the focus of the European Counterjihad from Islam as a religion to the evils of sharia law.
When you discuss Islam and/or sharia law, have you been accused of being an Islamophobe? A nazi? A xenophobe? A bigot? A misunderstander of Islam (copyright R. Spencer)? Have you been verbally attacked by well-meaning friends who belong either to the Leftist/Liberal spectrum and believe in the Religion of Respect and Anything Goes, or who in principle agree with you, but are sooo very afraid for you and suggest that you stop what you’re doing to stay alive. (What does that tell us about the Religion of Peace?)
I think I can safely assume that most of you, if not all, have at one point or another been subjected to some or all of the aforementioned accusations. I can certainly testify to that. But I can also tell you that I have been hauled into court to face trial for saying what I believe is the truth; a truth that many, especially those of the ruling elite, do not like to hear. Sadly, it seems that in a discussion, when one side has no real argument, he or she resorts to personal attacks. “This woman [as if I didn't have a name!], she is a hate preacher. She can’t say that! She may be right, but she can’t say that!” Can’t say what?
That sharia law is contrary to any of our secular laws? That its legal provisions include gender apartheid as well as killing of those who leave Islam or exercise the right to free speech. That sharia prescribes amputation of limbs and crucifixion even though Article 5 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights postulates that “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Well, guess what? That is precisely what was eventually found in the charges!
Ladies and Gentlemen!
In fall 2009, I was asked by the largest Austrian opposition party to hold a three-part seminar on the topic of Islam and the Islamization of Europe. I did this by quoting from the Quran, the hadith, the sunna. I also quoted well-known Muslim politicians like Erdogan, Ghadafi, Arafat, or the former Algerian prime minister. Little did I or the attendants know at the time that a young journalist had infiltrated and recorded the first two seminars without my knowledge. The left-wing magazine then decided to report me to the authorities, who in turn charged me with incitement to hatred. Let me quote the relevant paragraph:
By virtue of § 283 of the StGB, a person is deemed culpable of incitement:
(1) who incites or instigates in a manner liable to jeopardise public order an inimical act against a church or religious community established in the country or against a group determined by their affiliation to such a church or religious community, or to a race, people, tribe or state, or
(2) who agitates against or insults in a manner defamatory to human dignity or endeavours to condemn one of the groups defined in para. (1).
The crime is liable to a term of imprisonment of up to two years.
The outcry among the ruling elite in Austria was ear-splitting. High-ranked politicians, bishops, rabbis, and imams were asked to comment about the contents of a seminar they had never attended. A well-known Muslim university professor, asked by the magazine to analyze some of my controversial statements, even came to the conclusion that I am just like Osama Bin Laden!
In a matter of hours, my personal life was turned upside down. Some of my friends distanced themselves from by asking me to stay away from gatherings where Muslims may have shown up. The media completely ignored me and found the story of a Kosovar family blackmailing the government into granting them humanitarian asylum, after the umpteenth denial of the same, more interesting and captivating. “We do not see the need to report the idiocies of this woman [again, no name],“ one liberal left-wing newspaper answered a curious enquirer. What does it matter that the Kosovar family broke the law and that I merely quoted the Quran? You can’t say that!
Interestingly enough, instead of silencing me, the magazine’s questionable actions have made me popular. All of a sudden, many people were outraged by what had happened to me and wanted to hear my side of the story. However, no one in Austria wanted to hear me; it was the Americans who were shocked, which was not surprising given the provisions of the 1st amendment of the US Constitution guaranteeing absolute freedom of speech, something we Europeans are in sore need of. I was invited to speak at the launch of the Freedom Defense Initiative, at the National Conference of ACT! for America, both in Washington DC. I spoke in Berlin at a rally for the Citizens’ Movement Pax Europa, as well as at the European Freedom Initiative rally in Amsterdam. The Danish Free Press Society in Copenhagen wanted to hear my take on freedom of speech. Just two weeks ago, I conveyed to my Israeli hosts the importance of Israel in the fight against Islamization. And today I am here in Paris to tell you about my trial. I was not silenced, nor will they ever succeed in silencing me!
Ladies and Gentlemen!
By November 28, 2010, the member states of the European Union were required to implement an innocuous-sounding legal provision known as the “Framework decision on combating racism and xenophobia”, or, more fully, the “Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law.” According to the final article of the Framework Decision, “Member States shall take the necessary measures to comply with the provisions of this Framework Decision by 28 November 2010.”
Why does this matter to the cause of free speech in Europe?
If you read the full text of the Framework Decision (which may be found in the legislative section of the EU’s website), you will learn that “Each Member State shall take the measures necessary… to ensure that the following intentional conduct is punishable”. Such “intentional conduct” includes “conduct which is a pretext for directing acts against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin.”
Based on what has recently happened to Geert Wilders and me — and earlier to Gregorius Nekschot, Jussi Halla-aho, and numerous others — we can all guess who will be punished under this provision of the Framework Decision: those who criticize Islam.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
It was not until October that a court date was set for my case. I had to discover this fact in the press — in NEWS, the same left-wing magazine that brought the original complaint against me. I was not officially notified of my hearing date until several days later.
The evidence used against me at my trial several weeks ago was a transcript of a tape of my lecture, provided to the court by the same socialist magazine. It included words that were not spoken by me, and words that were not spoken in public, which therefore were not a violation of the law.
But my case is not really about the law. It is a political trial, and like the trials of Geert Wilders and Jussi Halla-aho, it is intended to silence someone who speaks out against the barbaric nature of sharia law.
Above all else, it is intended to discourage anyone who might consider following in my footsteps. The oligarchs who rule Europe are determined to prevent any frank discussion among their citizens of Islam and its legal doctrines.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
These are the methods of a totalitarian state.
They are more successful than those of the Nazis and the Fascists and the Communists because they are accomplished quietly and peacefully, with no need for concentration camps or gulags or mass graves or the shot in the back of the neck in the middle of the night.
They are surgical strikes executed via our legal systems, and they are quite effective. Between the summary punishment carried out against Theo Van Gogh and the EU Framework Decision applied though our courts, there is no room left for us to maneuver.
We are systematically being silenced.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am not a victim. I intend to stand up for what is right. I will defend what needs to be defended. Above everything else, I will exercise my God-given right to speak freely about what is happening. Freedom of speech is the single most important freedom we possess.
I am doing this for my daughter, and for her children, for those who will have to live in the world we are now preparing for them. I am doing what our grandparents should perhaps have done during the 1930s, when their own freedoms were under threat.
This is our time. This cup will not pass from us.
I am reminded of a passage in J.R.R. Tolkien’s famous trilogy, The Lord of the Rings.
It is an exchange between Frodo the hobbit and Gandalf the wizard, and it concerns the perilous quest on which Frodo and his friends have been sent.
Frodo says: “I wish it need not have happened in my time.”
Gandalf responds: “So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is time for us to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
* * * *
In speaking these words, I might be subject to arrest. I could be charged under the provisions of the Framework Decision, and extradited to the country that charged me using a European Arrest Warrant, escorted by the European Gendarmerie.
This is not an imaginary scenario; it is a very real possibility.
It is true that only a few people are likely to undergo such an ordeal. But it only takes a few people.
How many people have to endure what Mr. Wilders and I are enduring before everyone else gets the message?
How many examples have to be set before the rest of the European population understands the new rules, and is cowed into submission?
And we must remember to whom they will be submitting in the end. They will be submitting to our successors in Europe. They will be submitting to our replacements.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We must remember that the word for submission in Arabic is Islam.
When there are enough Muslims living in Europe — and it doesn’t have to be a majority of the population, just somewhere around fifteen or twenty percent — we will be living under Islamic law, and not the laws that presently govern us.
We will no longer enjoy what constitutional rights remain to us now. Our rights will be completely prescribed and delimited by sharia. Women will become the virtual chattel of men. Christians and Jews will be driven out or forced to convert to Islam. Atheists and homosexuals will be killed.
The European Union would consider these words to be “hate speech”. Under the Framework Decision, they would be classified as “racism and xenophobia”, and I could be prosecuted for saying them.
But they are in fact the simple truth.
Anyone can verify them by studying history. Anyone who chooses can read the Koran and the hadith and the Sunna of the Prophet.
Widely available official treatises on Islamic law confirm that my description is not “hate speech”, but a plain and accurate reading of the tenets of Islamic law.
It has become obvious that to tell the truth about Islam is now considered “incitement to religious hatred”.
It is now clear that non-Muslims who reveal the tenets of sharia law to the public are “denigrating religious teachings”.
If we meekly accept these rules, then we are acquiescing in the imposition of sharia law in our own nations. And I, for one, will not sit silently while this happens.
I don’t want my daughter to live under sharia.
Our time is short. If you and I do not envision an Islamic future for ourselves, then we must speak out now.
If we wish to preserve the right to speak and publish freely, then we must exercise it now.
I wish this need not have happened in my time. But it has.
We must make full use of the time that remains to us.