May 20, 2011

Does U.S. Stand With Christians in Egypt ? (video)

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1 comment:

Nathan L Hollenbeck said...

As it so happens, I was just at the release of some research yesterday by the Hudson Institute. They said that 18% of official US aid goes to the Middle East/North Africa. But how about private philanthropy? Only 4%!

We can't rely on government interests here, because their reasons for standing by groups abroad are going to be complex, and most often different than ours as Christians. The best way to stand by Christians in the Middle East is for us, as Christians, to support them ourselves. as members of the Body of Christ. Directly.

Two out of every three Christians in the Middle East are Copts in Egypt. Now is our last and best chance to see a community in the Middle East with enough critical mass to be self-sustaining and vibrant. I’m more convinced than ever about the urgency of supporting the Church in Egypt, especially in light of everything that has happened in Egypt this month.

I have the blessing of working with Coptic Orphans, an organization that operates primarily through about 350 church-based volunteers who visit the homes of the fatherless and widow in their areas. These volunteers connect them to various resources to break the cycle of poverty. I do it because as a Christian in America, I want to strengthen the Body of Christ in Egypt, so that the local church is best able to be salt and light in Egyptian society.

I especially have a passion about getting Catholics engaged in the cause of the fatherless in Egypt (Isaiah 1:17) because I believe that demonstrations of love between our Churches is the truest way to unity. Plus, it was in the National Basilica 5 years ago that I first sensed the call to join this cause, and so return the hospitality that the Holy Family received in Egypt!

Coptic Orphans speaks in churches and to church groups about the issues in Egypt with on-the-ground knowledge, and about the very unique cultural aspects of the cause of the fatherless and widow in Egypt. We also send church groups to Egypt to serve alongside Coptic Churches, who are so hospitable. I personally sponsor a child.

If anyone is interested, I can help if you give me a call: 703-717-8957 (my cell).

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