If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/09/united-93-of-9-11-air-traffic.html
Description: UA 93 ATC tapes - On September 11, 2001, the United Airlines flight registered N591UA, was one of four planes hijacked as part of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It did not reach its intended target, instead crashing in an empty field just outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, about 240 km ,northwest of Washington, D.C. The 9/11 Commission (through testimony, tapes of passengers' phone calls, and the flight data recorders recovered from the crash) determined that crew and passengers, alerted through phone calls to loved ones, had attempted to overpower the hijackers. The Commission concluded that the hijackers crashed the plane to keep the crew and passengers from gaining control.
My comments: The black box has more recordings but they're classified. One thing revealed was the leader of the passengers led them in praying the Lord's prayer before that call to battle, "Let's roll!"
Don't make the Muslim supporters change that to "Let's roll over."
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