Jan 27, 2014

Dinesh D’Souza’s New Film Trailer Released, “America”

"America" Trailer from Dinesh D'Souza on Vimeo.
The film will focus on how the 1960s radical ideology is now the mainstream ideology of the Democratic progressive party, and the fundamental premise of the left is that America is based on theft. D’Souza debunks this thought in his film, by debunking such leftist notables as Noam Chomsky.
The film is to be released for July 4th.

Jan 18, 2014

Watch Dr Lile do an Abortion! (video)

Dr. Bill Lile is an OBGYN and a nationally renowned speaker on Abortion Issues. He is centered at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola Florida.

Jan 2, 2014

Sen. Shaheen, It's Time to be Honest (humiliating video)

Sen. Shaheen told the American people that they would keep their health plans under Obamacare. Now -- hundreds of thousands of cancellations later -- it's time for Shaheen to tell us the truth.

11 AGs cite as illegal WH fixes to Obamacare

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