May 30, 2009

Church funds at risk from bishops and priests

Recently a priest in CT ran away with his boyfriend and millions of the parishioners' money. That is why the parishioners wanted to revamp the financial controls of the church funds. In my dioceses, there must have been close to 5 incidents when priests stole the church's monies for the last 30 years.

The bottom line is that if the faith communities will not revise the financial controls, then the risk remains. For more details on how the methods and procedures are unchecked, you may do some web searches yourself on "catholic church ct financial mismanagement bridgeport". Once you realize the precariousness of the situation, they you may want to raise the issue to the pastor or a parish council member.

For myself, I've stopped giving to Abp. Wuerl's diocese ever since he announced that he is willing to give Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians. Instead, I send my donations to places whose bishops are more supportive of pro-life efforts.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it appears that the same uncontrolled and unchecked financial policies and procedures are in place in all the Catholic communities and churches. So, unless there's a change, then the vulnerability is there waiting for the next thief.

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