May 9, 2011

Apparitions of Spiritual Mother. Easy Catholicism in the World's Capital.

My daughter's first Holy Communion yesterday was pure joy. Although I cannot but think of Christians around the world who cannot do this as easily because of Muslim persecution.

Smoothies & trimonoes on eve of Mother's day. My reflection was when Jesus told Mother Mary to "Behold thy son", she adopted us all ever since. That is why she has appeared so many times e.g. Lourdes, Fatima, etc... to console and guide us like a mother would. Happy Mother's day!


Subvet said...

Congratulations on your daughter's First Communion. You've been blessed with a very lovely family (but I'm sure you already know that!).

Rick said...

@Subvet: Thank you sir. And so are you - blessed with a beautiful family. God bless.

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