If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/05/obama-hearts-children-of-hamas-video.html
Obama supports Hamas and Fatah accord in Palestine from: http://island-adv.com/2011/05/obama-supports-racist-jew-hating-hamasfatah-state/
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thats what all good lil jeeeeeeeeehadis do..how twisted eh!
And Obama wants to give them a state?
Even animals are more concerned for the safety of their young than these scum.
@Subvet: You're right because animals follow the instincts placed by God in them. These subhuman creatures on the other hand follow the mandates of an evil spirit as stated in the Q'uran. I feel for the children as hate is sown in their hearts and falsehood and craziness in their minds. They have lost their childhood and their healthy emotional lives during adulthood.
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