Feb 27, 2011

Pro-Life Flash Mob in Chicago Surprises "Walk for Choice". Joyful!

If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/02/pro-life-flash-mob-in-chicago-surprises.html

A "Walk for Choice" Rally was held at Chicago's Daley Plaza on Saturday, February 26, 2011. This exclusive video shows a Pro-Life flash mob taking the "pro-choicers" by surprise with Life, Spirit, and Truth!

The first scene shows the unsuspecting participants of the "Walk for Choice."

The "Shire" theme song is coming from the Pro-Life flash mob, just before they unveiled their hundreds of yellow balloons imprinted with "LIFE".

Participants of the "Walk for Choice" were asked to wear orange for the event, so the Pro-Life flash mob asks in their sign: "ORANGE YOU GLAD TO SEE US???"

Which side has more joy?

1 comment:

RobinBird said...

Literally brought tears to my eyes. Gives me hope that my children's generation might come to their senses and end abortion once and for all!

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