Mar 2, 2011

Ash Wednesday next week

Ash Wednesday is next week - a day of fasting and abstinence to usher the season of Lent when one purifies oneself with intense spiritual exercises.  Speaking of which, Patrick Archibold makes this unusual insight in the National Catholic Register on how lethargy made him holy.  He and his brother Matt puts a humurous spin on things. 

I'm not a spiritual director but I think it put him on the path to holiness -  which always starts with charity.  It is like when our Provincial Superior then would tell us to get our 8 hours of sleep and be nicer to the kids instead of depriving ourselves with sleep but becoming testy and impatient during the day.


Larry Denninger said...

Rick - you're early. Ash Wednesday is next week - so go ahead and have that bacon with your breakfast tomorrow - it's okay!

Rick said...

Thanks Larry. What was I thinking. I guess I wanted it to start sooner - can't wait to get those ashes on my forehead.

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