Oct 21, 2011

Hyatt in TX capitulates to Islamic interests and cancels event.

More from source: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/10/hyatt-hotel-chain-red-faced-over-capitulation-to-islamic-supremacist-anti-free-speech-thugs.html
or click here.

The temperature is rising in the dispute that erupted earlier this week when the Hyatt hotel in Sugar Land, Texas, abruptly canceled a tea-party event at which author and Atlas Shrugs founder Pamela Geller was scheduled to speak on the dangers of Islam.
Geller has blogged about it ("The quisling cowards at the Hyatt Place Sugar Land caved to intimidation"), the story has spread to European media outlets (the Daily Mail of London) and a wave of emails and telephone calls has been getting the chain's attention.

Now the company has contacted reporters with a statement that claims an apology has been issued, but Geller says the apology wasn't delivered to her yet. The company didn't respond to a query from WND about to whom the apology was delivered.

The argument is over the hotel chain's decision that because of "security" issues it would not allow the tea party-linked event at which Geller was scheduled to speak Tuesday night to be held on its premises.

The "security" issues reportedly were telephone calls made by Muslim interests who opposed Geller's right to speak about her concerns regarding the advance of Islam, and specifically its Shariah religious law, inside the United States, she reported.

Geller likened the hotel's cancellation to the enforcing of "blasphemy" laws under Islamic Shariah, because she was prevented from expressing a negative opinion about the advance of Islam. In nations under Islamic rule, criticism of Islam is banned and sometimes is a death-penalty offense.

Geller, however, argues she has a free-speech right under the U.S. Constitution to express her opinion about the religion in America.

The hotel chain said in an initial statement that it was a "business" decision. Shortly, it expanded that to say, "In light of the business disruptions anticipated with this event, it has been moved to an alternate location. The hotel thanks the organizers of the event for their cooperation in relocating the event."

Not good enough, and not even logical, Geller told WND.

She cited a 2008 visit by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to a Hyatt in New York in which thousands of people protested his presence. Yet, his visit was not canceled because of a "business" decision.

The Sugar Land decision was based on a handful of telephone calls to the hotel expressing opposition, according to her reports....

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