Oct 21, 2011

Jewish Group calls Sarandon to apologize for calling Pope a Nazi

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Sarandon also drew strong criticism from the Jewish community.

"Ms. Sarandon may have her differences with the Catholic Church, but that is no excuse for throwing around Nazi analogies. Such words are hateful, vindictive and only serve to diminish the true history and meaning of the Holocaust," The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which fights anti-Semitism, said in a statement while also calling on Sarandon to issue an apology to the Catholic community.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/10/18/susan-sarandon-under-fire-from-catholic-and-jewish-groups-for-calling-pope/?test=faces#ixzz1bQO4zLZK or click here

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