Nov 1, 2010

Video: Violence begins; msm mum; cops make no arrests; Republicans' assaulted

Video:  Violence begins; msm mum; cops make no arrests;  Republicans' assaulted verbally.  If video fails, go to

1 comment:

David L Alexander said...

If we are to draw any conclusions solely on the basis of the clip, the cops may not have arrested the other guys for "verbal assault" or whatever, but one officer did restrain one of them for -- well, keeping it up, I guess. So I wouldn't say they got off scott free, and there is NO proof of what the police in Charlottesville would have done if it were the other was around. If you're going to make a case for a double standard, you have to have one entity applying the standard both ways. This does not happen in this example.

Other than that, the guys on the street were all crazy. So vote tomorrow. That's what counts.

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