Aug 31, 2009

For little girls: Pole Dancing or Purity

If we don't train our daughters in purity, modesty and chastity, the world will teach our little girls how to pole dance.

For starters, we can talk about two modern day saints who excelled in purity e.g. Saint Maria Goretti and Blessed Laura Vicuna.

Blessed Laura Vicuna (1891-1904)

Saint Maria Goretti (movie scenes)

Sex ed for teens: fornicate & abort (video)

From the video, watch for:

Their goal is to have every girl between 13 & 18 procure 3 to5 abortions.

The industry follows these steps to prepare their customers.
1. break down their natural modesty
2. separate them from their parents and values
3. become the sex experts in their lives
4. give them birth control pills or condoms that won't work to get them pregnant
5. offer them abortion as a fix


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