If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/democrats-speak-out-against.html
My comments:
The Constitution defines our identity and mission. It's interpretation is not subject to the manipulation and spins of any president. Please congratulate them on their fidelity to the Constitution and encourage them to move forward with the proceedings.
Jun 30, 2011
Jun 29, 2011
Muslims behead Christian convert in Afghanistan on 6/28/11. I protest by burning a page of their religious text.
For source and more details, click here or go to http://catholic.org/international/international_story.php?id=41900
My response: Burning 1 page from a Muslim text they hold sacred for that 1 life in solidarity with the victim and his family and in protest for the immorality of Islam. (filed under: burn-a-qurn, Islam, solidarity)
A grisly video released to international media by two separate Afghan sources depicts four Afghan militants beheading a man believed to be a Christian in Herat Province. The video is intended to warn Afghanistan's tiny Christian population of the dire consequences if American forces leave Afghanistan. President Barack Obama announced his intentions to begin a gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops earlier this week.
My response: Burning 1 page from a Muslim text they hold sacred for that 1 life in solidarity with the victim and his family and in protest for the immorality of Islam. (filed under: burn-a-qurn, Islam, solidarity)
The Goretti Group - Experience the Joy of Purity! (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/goretti-group-experience-joy-of-purity.html
I pay Catholic schools to shelter my children from the promiscuity in public schools. But some people think they're doing my kids a favor by making them "normal" by teaching them not to be prudes and exposing them to masturbation and other sexual experiences. I just have to keep teaching my kids and praying.
I pay Catholic schools to shelter my children from the promiscuity in public schools. But some people think they're doing my kids a favor by making them "normal" by teaching them not to be prudes and exposing them to masturbation and other sexual experiences. I just have to keep teaching my kids and praying.
Jun 28, 2011
I am burning 2 pages: Muslims Bomb a Catholic Church in Philippines, Two Killed
Source: http://thecsf.org/csf/2011/06/28/muslim-militants-bomb-a-catholic-church-in-philippines-two-killed/ or here
Filed under: burn-a-qurn, Islam, solidarity
Muslims Bomb a Catholic Church in Philippines, Two Killed
Two people were killed and eight wounded when an bomb exploded outside a canteen near a Catholic Church in the southern Philippines, police said Sunday.
The blast occurred Saturday in Isabela City in Basilan province, 900 kilometres south of Manila, according to regional commander Felicisimo Khu. Khu said the explosion caused a fire in the canteen.
Basilan is one of the strongholds of al-Qaeda-linked Muslim militants accused of some of the worst terrorist attacks in the Philippines and high-profile kidnappings involving foreign hostages.
Filed under: burn-a-qurn, Islam, solidarity
Jun 22, 2011
Human Rights Violations in Gaza (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/human-rights-violations-in-gaza-video.html
Israel is one of the most humane countries in the world – even to it’s enemies who have sworn to destroy it. Although Gaza is run by the terrorist entity Hamas, continuously firing missiles into Israel, Israel still allows an open border for supplies and food to get through to the Gazan populace.
Israel is one of the most humane countries in the world – even to it’s enemies who have sworn to destroy it. Although Gaza is run by the terrorist entity Hamas, continuously firing missiles into Israel, Israel still allows an open border for supplies and food to get through to the Gazan populace.
Neveretheless, Israel is blamed for being the human rights violator in Gaza. The truth is, though, that the ruling Hamas government is a serial human rights violator in dealing with it’s own population. Yet the world stays silent. Be sure to watch this video to better understand for yourselves Hamas’ human rights violations against it’s own people – the Paelstinians.
Jun 20, 2011
Racism towards Muslims in Israel? exposed with HIDDEN CAMERAS. (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/racism-towards-muslims-in-israel.html
Vid descrip: "The guy in the shop AND the Arab woman are actors, the objective was to see the average Israelis reaction to his racism. The customers are all real. "What would you do?" (Israel) is a show that checks out how israelis responds to many Israeli issues by hidden cameras which the people not aware of. Here is ths video, the hidden cameras were installed inside a Kiosk at a filling station near the city of Holon. The Seller allegedly refuse to sell to Arabs. Of course the Arabs and the Jewish Seller are Actors and the scene is totally staged. However, the Jewish people who inside the shop do not aware to the fact that the incident is not real, nor to the hidden cameras."
My comment: Be sure to watch all the way to the end. That has the best part. Also, the bottom line from a larger geo-political perspective is this: if tommorrow, the Muslims will lay down their arms, there will be peace in the Middle East. I wish I could say the same for the other way around. Unfortunately, history has shown otherwise.
Vid descrip: "The guy in the shop AND the Arab woman are actors, the objective was to see the average Israelis reaction to his racism. The customers are all real. "What would you do?" (Israel) is a show that checks out how israelis responds to many Israeli issues by hidden cameras which the people not aware of. Here is ths video, the hidden cameras were installed inside a Kiosk at a filling station near the city of Holon. The Seller allegedly refuse to sell to Arabs. Of course the Arabs and the Jewish Seller are Actors and the scene is totally staged. However, the Jewish people who inside the shop do not aware to the fact that the incident is not real, nor to the hidden cameras."
My comment: Be sure to watch all the way to the end. That has the best part. Also, the bottom line from a larger geo-political perspective is this: if tommorrow, the Muslims will lay down their arms, there will be peace in the Middle East. I wish I could say the same for the other way around. Unfortunately, history has shown otherwise.
Yesterday Muslims attack Christians in Michigan Festival (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/yesterday-muslims-attack-christians-in.html
Jun 18, 2011
Hilarious Economic Smackdown: Paul Ryan vs. Barack Obama (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/hilarious-economic-smackdown-paul-ryan.html
As the debt crisis threatens America, Klavan on the Culture takes a look at two competing plans.
It debunks the misrepresentation of Ryan's plan.
As the debt crisis threatens America, Klavan on the Culture takes a look at two competing plans.
It debunks the misrepresentation of Ryan's plan.
Jun 17, 2011
Palin's Emails Revealing. MSM Hits Gold! (video)
MSM scoured all the emails that Sarah Palin wrote during her 3 years in office as governor of Alaska. They hit the gold mine as these has shed new light on Sarah. I used to see her as just another conservative politician. Now, I look at her with great admiration not only for her sound judgment and noble humanity but for her deep spirituality. The email below should be required reading for any study that deals with people, society, values, philosophy, civics and other behavioral and social sciences. If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/palins-emails-exposed-msm-hits-gold.html
My favorite email:
My favorite email:
To the Sisters, Brother, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Friends of Trig Paxson Van Palin (or whatever you end up naming him!):
I am blessing you with this surprise baby because I only want the best for you. I’ve heard your prayers that this baby will be happy and healthy, and I’ve answered them because Ionly want the best for you!
I heard your heart when you hinted that another boy would fit best in the Palin family, to round it out and complete that starting five line-up. Though another girl would be so nice, you didn’t think you could ask for what you REALLY wanted, but I knew, so I gave you a boy because I only want the best for you!
Then, I put the idea in your hearts that his name should be “Trig”, because it’s so fitting, with two Norse meanings: “True” and “Brave Victory”. You also have a Bristol Bay relative with that name, so I knew it would be best for you!
Then, I let Trig’s mom have an exceptionally comfortable pregnancy so she could enjoy every minute of it, and I even seemed to rush it along so she could wait until near the end to surprise you with the news – that way Piper wouldn’t have so long to wait and count down so many days – just like Christmastime when you have to wait, impatiently, for that special day to finally open your gift? (Or the way the Palins look forward to birthday celebrations that go on for three, four days… you all really like cake .) I know you, I knew you’d be better off with just a short time to wait!
Then, finally, I let Trig’s mom and dad find out before he was born that this little boy will truly be a GIFT. They were told in early tests that Trig may provide more challenges, and more joy, than what they ever may have imagined or ever asked for. At first the news seemed unreal and sad and confusing . But I gave Trig’ s mom and dad lots of time to think about it because they needed lots of time to understand that everything will be OK, in fact, everything will be great, because I only want the best for you!
I‘ve given Trig’s mom and dad peace and joy as they wait to meet their new son. I gave them a happy anticipation because they asked me for that. I‘ll give all of you the same happy anticipation and strength to deal with Trig’s challenges, but I won’t impose on you…
I just need to know you want to receive my offer to be with all of you and help you everyday to make Trig’s life a great one.
This new person in your life can help everyone put things in perspective and bind us together and get everyone focused on what really matters . The baby will expand your world and let you see and feel things you haven’t experienced yet. He’ll show you what “true, brave victory“ really means as those who love him will think less about self and focus less on what the world tells you is ”normal“ or ”perfect”. You will grow and be blessed with greater understanding that will be born along with Trig.
Trig will be his dad‘s little buddy and he’ll wear Carhartts while he learns to tinker in the garage. He’ll love to be read to, he’ll want to play goalie, and he‘ll steal his mom’s heart just like Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper did. And Trig will be the cuddly, innocent, mischievous, dependent little brother that his siblings have been waiting for in fact Trig will – in some diagnostic ways – always be a mischievous, dependent little brother, because I created him a bit different than a lot of babies born into this world today.
Every child is created special, with awesome purpose and amazing potential. Children are the most precious and promising ingredient in this mixed up world you live in down there on earth. Trig is no different, except he has one extra chromosome. Doctors call it “Down’s Syndrome”, and Downs kids have challenges, but can bring you much delight and more love than you can ever imagine! Just wait and see, let me prove this, because I only want the best for you!
Some of the rest of the world may not want him, but take comfort in that because the world will not compete for him. Take care of him and he will always be yours!
Trig‘s mom and dad don’t want people to focus on the baby’s extra chromosome. They’re human, so they haven’t known how to explain this to people who are so caring and are interested in this new little Alaskan. Sarah and Todd want people to share in the joy of this gift I’m giving to the Palin family, and the greater Alaska family. Many people won’t understand… and I understand that. Some will think Trig should not be allowed to be born because they fear a Downs child won’t be considered “perfect” in your world. (But tell me, what do you earthlings consider “perfect” or even “normal” anyway? Have you peeked down any grocery store isle, or school hallway, or into your office lunchroom lately? Or considered the odd celebrities you celebrate as “perfect” on t.v.? Have you noticed I make `em all shapes and sizes? Believe me ,, there is no “perfect”!)
Many people will express sympathy, but you don’t want or need that, because Trig will be a joy. You will have to trust me on this.
I know it will take time to grasp this and come to accept that I only want the best for you, and I only give my best. Remember though: “My ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts… for as the heavens are higher than the earth, my ways are higher than yours!”
I wrote that all down for you in the Good Book ! Look it up! You claim that you believe me – now it’s time to live out that belief!
Please look to me as this new challenge and chapter of life unfolds in front of you. I promise to equip you. I won‘t give you anything you can’t handle. I am answering your prayers. Trig can’t wait to meet you. I’m giving you ONLY THE BEST!
Trig’s Creator , Your Heavenly Father
The Mark of the Beast (video) What did St. John see.
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/mark-of-beast-video-what-did-st-john.html Pope Benedict did identify the anti-Christ as one who uses religion to inspire violence. Islam is the inspiration of violence in whole world. Muslims murder and rape everyone who is not a Muslim.
This video is an excellent theory of what St. John might have seen. The Arabic graphics for Allah is identical to the Greek notation for 666. Since Allah was invented 600 years after Christ, St. John would not have known about it so, he noted what he saw as what it appeared to him. Looking back now, we are able to make some sense of it.
This video is an excellent theory of what St. John might have seen. The Arabic graphics for Allah is identical to the Greek notation for 666. Since Allah was invented 600 years after Christ, St. John would not have known about it so, he noted what he saw as what it appeared to him. Looking back now, we are able to make some sense of it.
Jun 16, 2011
Sharia Practice Today (graphic video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/sharia-practice-today-graphic-video.html
WARNING. Graphic content. Shari'ah is a system of law inspired by Islam and the Qur’an, as well as Arabic traditions and early Islamic scholars. Shari'ah is understood to rule not only Muslims but those living within a Muslim society, and governs all realms of a person's life.
More videos at http://apostates.weebly.com/videos.html or click here
WARNING. Graphic content. Shari'ah is a system of law inspired by Islam and the Qur’an, as well as Arabic traditions and early Islamic scholars. Shari'ah is understood to rule not only Muslims but those living within a Muslim society, and governs all realms of a person's life.
More videos at http://apostates.weebly.com/videos.html or click here
What a Billion Muslims Truly Think (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/what-billion-muslims-truly-think-video.html
Data that the movie What one Billion Muslims Really Think decided to leave out. This video shows the true mindset of one billion Muslims not the propaganda being fed from the Dalia Mogahed Barack Obama's first veiled Muslim appointee.
Data that the movie What one Billion Muslims Really Think decided to leave out. This video shows the true mindset of one billion Muslims not the propaganda being fed from the Dalia Mogahed Barack Obama's first veiled Muslim appointee.
Jun 15, 2011
Satanism in Islam Exposed! (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/islam-books-document-satanic-influence.html
From the Quran and Haddith, the primary sources of Islam, presents an incident where Mohammed was deceived and influenced by Satan. These verses were exposed by Salman Rushdie in his book "the Satanic Verses".
For Muslims, this can be a justification to purge the Quran of the verses that are unholy and insane.
From the Quran and Haddith, the primary sources of Islam, presents an incident where Mohammed was deceived and influenced by Satan. These verses were exposed by Salman Rushdie in his book "the Satanic Verses".
For Muslims, this can be a justification to purge the Quran of the verses that are unholy and insane.
Jun 14, 2011
Democrats Disconnected From Economic Reality (video) & Obamanomics
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/democrats-disconnected-from-economic.html
Despite 9.1 percent unemployment and the clear disapproval of the American people, Democrats and the president are continuing to push for their favorite tax-and-spend economic policies, which have completely failed to bring about an economic recovery and only made the situation worse. Republicans believe it is high time for the president and congressional Democrats to get serious about the economy and work with Republicans to develop real solutions to our nation's economic challenges.
The US economy is in a much greater crisis than just money. There's a moral debt that\'s even more staggering than 15 trillion dollars.
Despite 9.1 percent unemployment and the clear disapproval of the American people, Democrats and the president are continuing to push for their favorite tax-and-spend economic policies, which have completely failed to bring about an economic recovery and only made the situation worse. Republicans believe it is high time for the president and congressional Democrats to get serious about the economy and work with Republicans to develop real solutions to our nation's economic challenges.
The US economy is in a much greater crisis than just money. There's a moral debt that\'s even more staggering than 15 trillion dollars.
Church History in 4 minutes (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/church-history-in-4-minutes-video.html
Pentecost, Palestine, Barbarians, Paul gets a sign
Neglected widows, martyred Stephen, Gentile vs. Jew
New Téstament, getting tribal, Gnostic gospels, Holy Bible
Jamnia, Revelation, word of God is true
...Martyrs, Di-ocletian, Polycarp, Domitian
Church learns, Nero burns, Christians underground
Chi-Rho, basilica, Vita Evangelica
Nicea, Who was Jesus, Christians start to rebound
CHORUS: We didn’t start the fire
It’s been always burning
Since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
Though we didn’t light it
And we cannot fight it
St. Patrick, Monastery, Visigoths are pretty scary
Pope Leo, St. Jerome, forgetting how to read
Mohammed writes the Koran, Convert or die to Islam
Where’s the Pope, church brings hope, the Venerable Bede
Dark ages, knights and pages, east & west will split in stages
Monks’ skuills, cathedrals, Charlemagne starts to reign,
Methodias, Constantinople, Peasants, clergy, serfs & nobles
Augustine, Irene, everything goes Byzantine
Cluny, bubonic plague, Vikings, Saracens invade
William conquers, priests & monks, and Jerusalem gets sacked
Flying buttress, St. Claire, célibacy, worship Mary
Knights Templar, stained glass, Sultan Saladin gets whacked
Mendicants, Avignon, Albértus Magnus, Genghis Khan
Aquinas, Maimonides, Gentle Francis óf Assisi
Summa bono, Faith & reason, say God bless you when you’re sneezin’
Just War, Crusades galore, but who are we fighting for?
Competing popes, not much hope, Joan of Arc makes her mark
John Wycliff, Thomas Kempis, Canterbury Tales
Michelangelo, Siena, Leonardo and Vienna
Reformation, printing press, Guttenberg prevails
John Calvin, Erlich Zwingle, indulgences for the kingly
Martin Luther pounds the door, Here I stand, I’ll do no more
King James Bible, John Locke, Galileo, J.S. Bachj
Anabaptist, Guy Fawkes, Blaise Pascal, John Knox
Puritans preach denial, Salem witches go on trial
Enlightenment or transcendance, we declare our independence
Whitfield makes us all Awaken, Pentecostals get us shakin’
Darwin teaches evolution, Marx preaches revolution
Jesus freaks, immigration, nuclear annihilation
Overwhelmed by information, who will save this generation?
CHORUS: We didn’t start the fire
It’s been always burning
Since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
And when we are gone
It will still burn on and on and on and on....
Pentecost, Palestine, Barbarians, Paul gets a sign
Neglected widows, martyred Stephen, Gentile vs. Jew
New Téstament, getting tribal, Gnostic gospels, Holy Bible
Jamnia, Revelation, word of God is true
...Martyrs, Di-ocletian, Polycarp, Domitian
Church learns, Nero burns, Christians underground
Chi-Rho, basilica, Vita Evangelica
Nicea, Who was Jesus, Christians start to rebound
CHORUS: We didn’t start the fire
It’s been always burning
Since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
Though we didn’t light it
And we cannot fight it
St. Patrick, Monastery, Visigoths are pretty scary
Pope Leo, St. Jerome, forgetting how to read
Mohammed writes the Koran, Convert or die to Islam
Where’s the Pope, church brings hope, the Venerable Bede
Dark ages, knights and pages, east & west will split in stages
Monks’ skuills, cathedrals, Charlemagne starts to reign,
Methodias, Constantinople, Peasants, clergy, serfs & nobles
Augustine, Irene, everything goes Byzantine
Cluny, bubonic plague, Vikings, Saracens invade
William conquers, priests & monks, and Jerusalem gets sacked
Flying buttress, St. Claire, célibacy, worship Mary
Knights Templar, stained glass, Sultan Saladin gets whacked
Mendicants, Avignon, Albértus Magnus, Genghis Khan
Aquinas, Maimonides, Gentle Francis óf Assisi
Summa bono, Faith & reason, say God bless you when you’re sneezin’
Just War, Crusades galore, but who are we fighting for?
Competing popes, not much hope, Joan of Arc makes her mark
John Wycliff, Thomas Kempis, Canterbury Tales
Michelangelo, Siena, Leonardo and Vienna
Reformation, printing press, Guttenberg prevails
John Calvin, Erlich Zwingle, indulgences for the kingly
Martin Luther pounds the door, Here I stand, I’ll do no more
King James Bible, John Locke, Galileo, J.S. Bachj
Anabaptist, Guy Fawkes, Blaise Pascal, John Knox
Puritans preach denial, Salem witches go on trial
Enlightenment or transcendance, we declare our independence
Whitfield makes us all Awaken, Pentecostals get us shakin’
Darwin teaches evolution, Marx preaches revolution
Jesus freaks, immigration, nuclear annihilation
Overwhelmed by information, who will save this generation?
CHORUS: We didn’t start the fire
It’s been always burning
Since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
And when we are gone
It will still burn on and on and on and on....
Beautiful woman for sale by Muslim husband $350 OBO

Farah Hatim, 24, “was forced to sign a declaration stating that she had converted and married [according] to her will,” said a Pakistani nun. “The text was brought to the police and in court, so legally the case is considered closed. It will be possible to reopen it only with a written statement, in which Farah testifies that these communications were drawn out by threats and torture.”
The nun called for prayer and international pressure to help secure Hatim’s releases.
There are over 700 cases of forced conversion to Islam in Pakistan each year, according to Fides.
Source: http://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=10639 & Fides
Hiding Genocide; Before the Srebrenica Massacre: Jihad In the Balkans! (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/hiding-genocide-before-srebrenica.html
Brief facts on Srebrenica;
Every conflict has an untold story.
Support the Serbian-Croatian Republics push for independence in Bosnia!
For more information visit;
Brief facts on Srebrenica;
Every conflict has an untold story.
Support the Serbian-Croatian Republics push for independence in Bosnia!
For more information visit;
Jun 13, 2011
Jun 12, 2011
Kenya did not exist in 1961. Yet Obama's birth certificate has it.
The problem with this ‘new’ birth certificate Obama’s, is that it’s, well….new. It lists his birthday as August 4, 1961, then lists his father’s native country as Kenya. The problem with that is Kenya didn’t exist until 1963; it was British East Africa or East Africa Protectorate until then. More from source
Jun 11, 2011
Catholic Charismatic History (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/catholic-charismatic-history-video.html
42 years of dramatic worldwide growth of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (visions, tongues, prophecy, healing, etc.) excerpted from the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) DVD "A New Pentecost" featuring a brief history, papal promotion, endorsement and testimonies. The full DVD is available at: http://www.iccrs.org
My comments: We believe in the Holy Spirit - Who lives in us.
42 years of dramatic worldwide growth of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (visions, tongues, prophecy, healing, etc.) excerpted from the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) DVD "A New Pentecost" featuring a brief history, papal promotion, endorsement and testimonies. The full DVD is available at: http://www.iccrs.org
My comments: We believe in the Holy Spirit - Who lives in us.
Nationwide Campaign to Promote Islamic Propaganda in Churches
Nationwide Campaign to Promote Islamic Propaganda in Churches: This travesty that will be occurring in Christian churches across the country on June 26... more here or go to http://ironicsurrealism.com/2011/06/10/and-so-it-begins-nation-wide-campaign-to-promote-islamic-propaganda-in-churches/
Thank God Redemptionis Sacramentum Prevents Qur’an Reading at Catholic Mass
Thank God for Redemptionis Sacramentum. The particular rule cited is from Chapter III on The Proper Celebration of Mass (4: 79):
Finally, it is strictly to be considered an abuse to introduce into the celebration of Holy Mass elements that are contrary to the prescriptions of the liturgical books and taken from the rites of other religions.,, more here or go to http://lisagraas.com/2011/06/11/redemptionis-sacramentum-prevents-quran-reading-at-catholic-mass/
Jun 10, 2011
Obama now overtly defying the law (under the War Powers Act) as well as the Constitution.
From American Spectator by Jeffrey H. Anderson
With all due respect to Rich and to the Journal, the notion that presidents should decide when to initiate armed conflicts, while Congress should merely sit by or defund, is simply not the Founders’ understanding of the Constitution’s allocation of war powers — and it is a very dangerous notion to advance. As I have previously written,
The American Founders’ basic (and sensible) division of war powers under the Constitution is that Congress is empowered to decide whether to engage in war, and the president is empowered to decide how to carry out war once it has begun. The Constitution says, “The Congress shall have Power . . . To declare War,” and this was not intended to be merely a legal formality. Even Alexander Hamilton, the most ardent and forceful advocate of executive power in the founding era, said that Congress “can alone declare war, can alone actually transfer the nation from a state of Peace to a state of War.”
If military action must be undertaken with great “decision, activity, secrecy, and dispatch,” then the president can reasonably claim legitimate constitutional authority to act. It would have made little sense, for example, for President Reagan to have asked Congress to authorize his airstrike against Libya in advance, given that it was a one-time strike that required the element of surprise and was not a precursor to a larger war. But Obama had enough time to ask the United Nations on Libya, and he therefore certainly had the time — and the constitutional obligation — to ask Congress. Some 80 days later, he still hasn’t asked for authorization and is now overtly defying the law (under the War Powers Act) as well as the Constitution.
None of this is to say that we should, or should not, be in Libya. It is simply to say that we should respect our constitutional forms....
Rebuilding The Church - Online. (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/rebuilding-church-online-video.html
H/T LesFemmes
Watch Voris first. Lots of great info and insight.
My additonal comment: The Church is like your group of friends in Facebook or some other social media. It spans time zones and great distances. It is united by fidelity to the truth, the authentic teaching from the Pope Himself. It can no longer be hijacked by Liberal priests, bishops and cardinals - specially in New England and California.
H/T LesFemmes
Watch Voris first. Lots of great info and insight.
My additonal comment: The Church is like your group of friends in Facebook or some other social media. It spans time zones and great distances. It is united by fidelity to the truth, the authentic teaching from the Pope Himself. It can no longer be hijacked by Liberal priests, bishops and cardinals - specially in New England and California.
Muslims rape to make disciples. (graphic video)
Muslims rape to make disciples. It is the way Muslims force conversions as you see below. This is the side of Islam that Obama omits whenever he puts that cult on a pedestal. If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/coptic-christian-girl-being-sexually.html
or details -http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/06/christian-girl-being-...
or http://leponline.bravehost.com/index.html
Throughout this explanation the word "I" and its cognates refer to the person who composed this note.
It will not take long for YouTube to remove this video. I encourage everyone to download the video and make it go viral. Feel free to copy and include this explanation.
There was a page on the internet in Arabic which described the incident of which a part appears in the video. The page was athttp://www.coptichistory.org/new_page_4752.htm
I got a native Arabic speaker from Cairo to translate it into English. I then produced a summary of it and asked him if it conveyed the gist of the Arabic text. He replied "Yes that's excellent, very close to the Arabic page after removing the names".
Here is that summary:
(1) The video was received by a group calling itself "Free Copts". It shows an incident in which a Coptic Christian girl was sexually abused in an attempt to Islamize her. She belonged to a large and wealthy family of Christian Copts living in Minia in upper Egypt. One of her Muslim neighbours induced her to go to his house. Upon arriving there she was surprised to find a group of young Muslim males. They forced her to go with them to a nearby house. They threatened to kill her if she made any noise or cried for help. They forcibly took her clothes from her and videoed her completely naked next to one of the young men. The plan was to blackmail her into marrying him by informing her and her family that the tape would be made public unless she did so. They also threatened her with the same fate as had befallen another girl not far away, a girl who had been raped by 8 Muslim men, murdered, and had her body dumped in a nearby graveyard. The police and the prosecuting authority let those 8 men go free. The ringleader of the men in this video was supposed to receive a reward of 30,000 Egyptian pounds from a mosque in El Manya if they managed to get the girl to convert to Islam. The four men in the video are habitual criminals who constantly rob the shops and businesses of the Christian Copts.
(2) The girl eventually escaped back to her family. The men then tried to extort money from them.
(3) This is one of the methods Muslims are using to Islamize Egypt -- they kidnap young Christian girls, rape them, force them to convert to Islam. Sometimes they are forced to marry old Muslim men who keep them as hostages for their sexual gratification and kill them when they are of no further use.
or details -http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/06/christian-girl-being-...
or http://leponline.bravehost.com/index.html
Throughout this explanation the word "I" and its cognates refer to the person who composed this note.
It will not take long for YouTube to remove this video. I encourage everyone to download the video and make it go viral. Feel free to copy and include this explanation.
There was a page on the internet in Arabic which described the incident of which a part appears in the video. The page was athttp://www.coptichistory.org/new_page_4752.htm
I got a native Arabic speaker from Cairo to translate it into English. I then produced a summary of it and asked him if it conveyed the gist of the Arabic text. He replied "Yes that's excellent, very close to the Arabic page after removing the names".
Here is that summary:
(1) The video was received by a group calling itself "Free Copts". It shows an incident in which a Coptic Christian girl was sexually abused in an attempt to Islamize her. She belonged to a large and wealthy family of Christian Copts living in Minia in upper Egypt. One of her Muslim neighbours induced her to go to his house. Upon arriving there she was surprised to find a group of young Muslim males. They forced her to go with them to a nearby house. They threatened to kill her if she made any noise or cried for help. They forcibly took her clothes from her and videoed her completely naked next to one of the young men. The plan was to blackmail her into marrying him by informing her and her family that the tape would be made public unless she did so. They also threatened her with the same fate as had befallen another girl not far away, a girl who had been raped by 8 Muslim men, murdered, and had her body dumped in a nearby graveyard. The police and the prosecuting authority let those 8 men go free. The ringleader of the men in this video was supposed to receive a reward of 30,000 Egyptian pounds from a mosque in El Manya if they managed to get the girl to convert to Islam. The four men in the video are habitual criminals who constantly rob the shops and businesses of the Christian Copts.
(2) The girl eventually escaped back to her family. The men then tried to extort money from them.
(3) This is one of the methods Muslims are using to Islamize Egypt -- they kidnap young Christian girls, rape them, force them to convert to Islam. Sometimes they are forced to marry old Muslim men who keep them as hostages for their sexual gratification and kill them when they are of no further use.
Jun 9, 2011
Coptic Christian girl being sexually abused to make her convert to Islam (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/coptic-christian-girl-being-sexually.html
or details -http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/06/christian-girl-being-...
or http://leponline.bravehost.com/index.html
Throughout this explanation the word "I" and its cognates refer to the person who composed this note.
It will not take long for YouTube to remove this video. I encourage everyone to download the video and make it go viral. Feel free to copy and include this explanation.
There was a page on the internet in Arabic which described the incident of which a part appears in the video. The page was athttp://www.coptichistory.org/new_page_4752.htm
I got a native Arabic speaker from Cairo to translate it into English. I then produced a summary of it and asked him if it conveyed the gist of the Arabic text. He replied "Yes that's excellent, very close to the Arabic page after removing the names".
Here is that summary:
(1) The video was received by a group calling itself "Free Copts". It shows an incident in which a Coptic Christian girl was sexually abused in an attempt to Islamize her. She belonged to a large and wealthy family of Christian Copts living in Minia in upper Egypt. One of her Muslim neighbours induced her to go to his house. Upon arriving there she was surprised to find a group of young Muslim males. They forced her to go with them to a nearby house. They threatened to kill her if she made any noise or cried for help. They forcibly took her clothes from her and videoed her completely naked next to one of the young men. The plan was to blackmail her into marrying him by informing her and her family that the tape would be made public unless she did so. They also threatened her with the same fate as had befallen another girl not far away, a girl who had been raped by 8 Muslim men, murdered, and had her body dumped in a nearby graveyard. The police and the prosecuting authority let those 8 men go free. The ringleader of the men in this video was supposed to receive a reward of 30,000 Egyptian pounds from a mosque in El Manya if they managed to get the girl to convert to Islam. The four men in the video are habitual criminals who constantly rob the shops and businesses of the Christian Copts.
(2) The girl eventually escaped back to her family. The men then tried to extort money from them.
(3) This is one of the methods Muslims are using to Islamize Egypt -- they kidnap young Christian girls, rape them, force them to convert to Islam. Sometimes they are forced to marry old Muslim men who keep them as hostages for their sexual gratification and kill them when they are of no further use.
or details -http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/06/christian-girl-being-...
or http://leponline.bravehost.com/index.html
Throughout this explanation the word "I" and its cognates refer to the person who composed this note.
It will not take long for YouTube to remove this video. I encourage everyone to download the video and make it go viral. Feel free to copy and include this explanation.
There was a page on the internet in Arabic which described the incident of which a part appears in the video. The page was athttp://www.coptichistory.org/new_page_4752.htm
I got a native Arabic speaker from Cairo to translate it into English. I then produced a summary of it and asked him if it conveyed the gist of the Arabic text. He replied "Yes that's excellent, very close to the Arabic page after removing the names".
Here is that summary:
(1) The video was received by a group calling itself "Free Copts". It shows an incident in which a Coptic Christian girl was sexually abused in an attempt to Islamize her. She belonged to a large and wealthy family of Christian Copts living in Minia in upper Egypt. One of her Muslim neighbours induced her to go to his house. Upon arriving there she was surprised to find a group of young Muslim males. They forced her to go with them to a nearby house. They threatened to kill her if she made any noise or cried for help. They forcibly took her clothes from her and videoed her completely naked next to one of the young men. The plan was to blackmail her into marrying him by informing her and her family that the tape would be made public unless she did so. They also threatened her with the same fate as had befallen another girl not far away, a girl who had been raped by 8 Muslim men, murdered, and had her body dumped in a nearby graveyard. The police and the prosecuting authority let those 8 men go free. The ringleader of the men in this video was supposed to receive a reward of 30,000 Egyptian pounds from a mosque in El Manya if they managed to get the girl to convert to Islam. The four men in the video are habitual criminals who constantly rob the shops and businesses of the Christian Copts.
(2) The girl eventually escaped back to her family. The men then tried to extort money from them.
(3) This is one of the methods Muslims are using to Islamize Egypt -- they kidnap young Christian girls, rape them, force them to convert to Islam. Sometimes they are forced to marry old Muslim men who keep them as hostages for their sexual gratification and kill them when they are of no further use.
What does it mean to be pro-life? (new video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/what-does-it-mean-to-be-pro-life-new.html
My comment: It is the spirituality of our age, the struggle that defines which side we're on, the standard that will be our measure.... and more.
My comment: It is the spirituality of our age, the struggle that defines which side we're on, the standard that will be our measure.... and more.
Jun 8, 2011
The Rise of "ChrIslam" in the US
"Pastors that are really wolves in sheep’s clothing
The concept of Chrislam, now embraced by such preachers as Rick Warren and Robert Schuller, appears to have emerged from a program on the meaning of “love your neighbor” at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta, Georgia “In 2001, like most Americans, we were pretty awakened to the true Islamic presence in the world and in the United States,” says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. “Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them. ...
Jesus in the Quran is neither the only-begotten Son of God nor the Messiah who was divinely appointed to restore the House of David. He is rather viewed as a prophet who was appointed by Allah to prepare mankind for the coming of Mohammad.”
Read more from source at: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=1366
The concept of Chrislam, now embraced by such preachers as Rick Warren and Robert Schuller, appears to have emerged from a program on the meaning of “love your neighbor” at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta, Georgia “In 2001, like most Americans, we were pretty awakened to the true Islamic presence in the world and in the United States,” says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. “Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them. ...
Jesus in the Quran is neither the only-begotten Son of God nor the Messiah who was divinely appointed to restore the House of David. He is rather viewed as a prophet who was appointed by Allah to prepare mankind for the coming of Mohammad.”
Read more from source at: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=1366
You knew this day was going to come, when the liberal “love gospel” preachers who, desiring to fill their seats and bank accounts, would find a way to merge apostate christianity with the Devil’s religion of Islam. That day is here....
UN Treaty to Strip Americans of Firearms
Under the guise of a proposed global “Small Arms Treaty” premised to fight “terrorism”, “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates” you can be quite certain that an even more insidious threat is being targeted – our Constitutional right for law-abiding citizens to own and bear arms. Read more here http://blogs.forbes.com/larrybell/2011/06/07/u-n-agreement-should-have-all-gun-owners-up-in-arms/
Comments: When the Persians gave an ultimatum to the Spartans, at the battle of Thermopylae, to surrender their weapons or die, the Spartans replied, “Μολὼν λαβΠ!!!” Meaning, “COME AND TAKE THEM!!”
Comments: When the Persians gave an ultimatum to the Spartans, at the battle of Thermopylae, to surrender their weapons or die, the Spartans replied, “Μολὼν λαβΠ!!!” Meaning, “COME AND TAKE THEM!!”
Obama’s Legal Circumvention of the Constitution (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/video-black-senate-candidate-rips.html
My comments: Obama circumvents the intent and spirit of the Constitution but does so in a legal way; afterall, he knows the law. Is such an act criminal? If someone is so sleek that he can play the system and get away from it, should he be left unaccountable? I say not but who is going to rein him in and on what grounds. Should the House play catch up and make laws to control his abuse of power? What can be done? Visit http://www.impeachobamacampaign.com/ for more.
My comments: Obama circumvents the intent and spirit of the Constitution but does so in a legal way; afterall, he knows the law. Is such an act criminal? If someone is so sleek that he can play the system and get away from it, should he be left unaccountable? I say not but who is going to rein him in and on what grounds. Should the House play catch up and make laws to control his abuse of power? What can be done? Visit http://www.impeachobamacampaign.com/ for more.
Jun 7, 2011
Food cures depression, high BP, arthritis, insomia, ED, diabetes
Sleep better with honey.
Take 1 teaspoon 1 hr. before going to bed.
Dark green leafy veggies dispel depression.
1 cup/daily
Lower blood pressure with celery.
5 stalks daily
Olive oil or Oranges prevents arthritis.
1 tablespoon of the oil or 2 oranges a day.
Help diabetes WITH chromium rich foods.
1 serving a day e.g. onions, beef, tomatoes,yams, or oysters.
Rosemary prevents cancer.
Sprinkle on marinades and stews.
Arginine help erections.
1 serving a day e.g. milk, chickpeas, coconut or soy beans.
Take Arginine (4-6 grams) supplement hours before intimacy.
CAUTION: This amount should not be taken by one who had a heart attack in the past 6 months.
Take 1 teaspoon 1 hr. before going to bed.
Dark green leafy veggies dispel depression.
1 cup/daily
Lower blood pressure with celery.
5 stalks daily
Olive oil or Oranges prevents arthritis.
1 tablespoon of the oil or 2 oranges a day.
Help diabetes WITH chromium rich foods.
1 serving a day e.g. onions, beef, tomatoes,yams, or oysters.
Rosemary prevents cancer.
Sprinkle on marinades and stews.
Arginine help erections.
1 serving a day e.g. milk, chickpeas, coconut or soy beans.
Take Arginine (4-6 grams) supplement hours before intimacy.
CAUTION: This amount should not be taken by one who had a heart attack in the past 6 months.
Jun 6, 2011
Obama Doubles Down on Israel. Ship Under US Flag To Break Israeli Blockade.
Source: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/144733
My comment: To state the obvious, it’s another publicity stunt to cast Israel as the antagonist in peace process or worse put Israel at odds with the USA. Because if they wanted to send supplies to Gaza, they could have gone via Egypt whose borders opened up 2 weeks ago. But they wanted a replay of the IDF boarding the ships - this time of a ship under the US flag. So what is the outcome of this catch-22? No scenario looks good. I am too old and sick to join the IDF but I shall raise my arms in prayer like Moses, prop them when they get tired, so that Israel with thrive through all these machinations. Shalom IDF. And Mr. Obama, "Stop that ship." H/T WHT
A remarkable comment by RedNeck Willie from the original WHT post:
Excerpt: "A ship flying US colors and carrying 34 passengers is set to joint this year's Gaza-bound, IHH-sponsored “Freedom Flotilla 2” in June, the New York Times reported....This year's American vessel, named The Audacity of Hope after US President Barack Obama’s best-selling book, is being organized by an American group called “US Boat to Gaza.”
Obama links to the Audacity do not end there, however. Prof. Rashid Khalidi, director of the Middle East Institute at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, and a friend from Obama’s time in Chicago, is among the supporters of an appeal launched by the group last week.
“We must raise at least $370,000 in the next month,” a statement on US Boat to Gaza’s Web site read indicating it doesn't have the money needed to sail yet.
“These funds will be used to purchase a boat large enough for 40-60 people, secure a crew, and cover the licensing and registering of the boat. Together we will contribute to the great effort to end the blockade of Gaza and the illegal occupation of Palestine.”
My comment: To state the obvious, it’s another publicity stunt to cast Israel as the antagonist in peace process or worse put Israel at odds with the USA. Because if they wanted to send supplies to Gaza, they could have gone via Egypt whose borders opened up 2 weeks ago. But they wanted a replay of the IDF boarding the ships - this time of a ship under the US flag. So what is the outcome of this catch-22? No scenario looks good. I am too old and sick to join the IDF but I shall raise my arms in prayer like Moses, prop them when they get tired, so that Israel with thrive through all these machinations. Shalom IDF. And Mr. Obama, "Stop that ship." H/T WHT
A remarkable comment by RedNeck Willie from the original WHT post:
An old West Virginia Hillbilly saying: Ya can’t get the water to clear up until you get the pigs outta the creek.
*If any other of our presidents had doubled the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?*
*If any other of our presidents had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved? *
*If any other of our presidents had criticized a state law that he admitted he never even read, would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head? *
*If any other of our presidents joined the country of Mexico and sued a state in the United States to force that state to continue to allow illegal immigration, would you question his patriotism and wonder who’s side he was on? *
*If any other of our presidents had pronounced the Marine Corps like Marine Corpse, would you think him an idiot? *
*If any other of our presidents had put 87,000 workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling on companies that have one of the best safety records of any industry because one foreign company had an accident, would you have agreed? *
*If any other of our presidents had used a forged document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87,000 American workers unemployed would you support him? *
*If any other of our presidents had been the first President to need a Teleprompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes? *
*If any other of our presidents had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take his First Lady to a play in NYC, would you have approved? *
*If any other of our presidents had reduced your retirement plan holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved? *
*If any other of our presidents had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved? *
*If any other of our presidents had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved? *
*If any other of our presidents had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought it a proud moment for America ? *
*If any other of our presidents had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia would you have approved? *
*If any other of our presidents had visited Austria and made reference to the nonexistent “Austrian language,” would you have brushed it off as a minor slip? *
*If any other of our presidents had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes, would you have approved? *
*If any other of our presidents had stated that there were 57 states in the United States, wouldn’t you have had second thoughts about his capabilities? *
*If any other of our presidents would have flown all the way to Denmark to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out his front door in his home town, would you not have thought he was a self-important, conceited, egotistical jerk. *
*If any other of our presidents had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to “Cinco de Cuatro” in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, wouldn’t you have winced in embarrassment? *
*If any other of our presidents had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he’s a hypocrite?*
*If any other of our presidents’ administrations had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11? *
*If any other of our presidents had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence? *
*If any other of our presidents had created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America, would you have ever approved. *
*If any other of our presidents had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved? *
*So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive?
*Can’t think of anything? Don’t worry. He’s done all this in 24 months — so you have that much time to come up with an answer .*
*An’ how about all those vacations he & Michelle take constantly, (with a more than a full enterage’) paid for by American tax-payers?
Jun 5, 2011
Sarah Palin Compares Obama's Failed Record to Sinking Titanic (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/cause-of-fledgling-economic-recovery.html
Sarah Palin skewered President Obama’s disastrous economic record today on FOX News Sunday. The point is this administration has got to be honest and candid with the American public. The bottom line is their plans for bigger government, more federal control over our private sector, more regulations, and more burdensome mandates on our businesses and on our people, it’s not working. And we do need to shift gears and change course. It’s very noble of President Obama to want to stay at the helm and maybe go down with the sinking ship but I prefer and many Americans prefer that we start plugging the hole that we start powering up the bilge pumpand start getting rid of some of the unsustainable debt that is sinking our ship. We don’t have to go the way of the Titanic.
My comments: Why can't Obama change course? If all you have is a hammer , then everything else looks like a nail. All his life, he has worked in the system that acquired other people's monies through taxation and gave it out to supporters through entitlements. It worked for everyone who did not have to make the buck that was taken and given out. That's all he knows, so he insists in doing more of the same and turning all the unemployed into tax collectors to take away what little people have squirreled away. That must be a better way. And there is, but he does he knows.
Sarah Palin skewered President Obama’s disastrous economic record today on FOX News Sunday. The point is this administration has got to be honest and candid with the American public. The bottom line is their plans for bigger government, more federal control over our private sector, more regulations, and more burdensome mandates on our businesses and on our people, it’s not working. And we do need to shift gears and change course. It’s very noble of President Obama to want to stay at the helm and maybe go down with the sinking ship but I prefer and many Americans prefer that we start plugging the hole that we start powering up the bilge pumpand start getting rid of some of the unsustainable debt that is sinking our ship. We don’t have to go the way of the Titanic.
My comments: Why can't Obama change course? If all you have is a hammer , then everything else looks like a nail. All his life, he has worked in the system that acquired other people's monies through taxation and gave it out to supporters through entitlements. It worked for everyone who did not have to make the buck that was taken and given out. That's all he knows, so he insists in doing more of the same and turning all the unemployed into tax collectors to take away what little people have squirreled away. That must be a better way. And there is, but he does he knows.
Jun 4, 2011
Palin calls Obama a liar clearly and directly.
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/palin-calls-obama-liar-clearly-and.html
Impeach the liar! America cannot persist with this mistake. We need to change course now.
Impeach the liar! America cannot persist with this mistake. We need to change course now.
Jun 2, 2011
House Democrats turn against Obama on Israel. No truce there.
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/house-democrats-turn-against-obama-on.html
"It’s a powerful political ad, and one that shows voters and donors, both Democrats and Republicans, that President Obama isolated himself with his recent attacks on Israel. Proof? Practically all the major Democratic players in Congress spoke out against President Obama in the highly publicized debate over whether negotiations with the Palestinians should begin at the 1967 borders."
"It’s a powerful political ad, and one that shows voters and donors, both Democrats and Republicans, that President Obama isolated himself with his recent attacks on Israel. Proof? Practically all the major Democratic players in Congress spoke out against President Obama in the highly publicized debate over whether negotiations with the Palestinians should begin at the 1967 borders."
Jun 1, 2011
Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/jerusalem-4000-years-in-5-minutes-video.html
Video description: Jerusalem, a mosaic of different peoples, faiths, and nationalities. Nevertheless, despite this diversity, under the sovereignty of Israel, Jerusalem is a city that works. But has it always been this way?
Video description: Jerusalem, a mosaic of different peoples, faiths, and nationalities. Nevertheless, despite this diversity, under the sovereignty of Israel, Jerusalem is a city that works. But has it always been this way?
Ascension Thurday Tomorrow. Mass Obligation? It depends.
Are you obligated, under penalty of sin, to attend Mass tomorrow because of Ascension Thursday?
"Only the ecclesiastical provinces of Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, and Omaha (the state of Nebraska) continue to celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord on Thursday. The faithful in those provinces (an ecclesiastical province is basically one large archdiocese and the dioceses that are historically associated with it) are required, under the Precepts of the Church, to attend Mass on Ascension Thursday" source: http://catholicism.about.com/od/holydaysandholidays/f/Ascension_Holy.htm
"Only the ecclesiastical provinces of Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, and Omaha (the state of Nebraska) continue to celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord on Thursday. The faithful in those provinces (an ecclesiastical province is basically one large archdiocese and the dioceses that are historically associated with it) are required, under the Precepts of the Church, to attend Mass on Ascension Thursday" source: http://catholicism.about.com/od/holydaysandholidays/f/Ascension_Holy.htm
Muslim Student Association Exposed (video)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2011/06/muslim-student-association-exposed.html
Recruitment tool for Muslim brotherhood. Incubator for radicals.
Recruitment tool for Muslim brotherhood. Incubator for radicals.
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