Jan 31, 2012
1,000 Historic Days in the US Senate held by Democrats.
It has been 1,000 days since the U.S. Senate passed a budget. With debt at record highs, Senate Democrats stand Idly by. Visit http://www.ForAmerica.org today and demand that Senate Democrats pass a budget.
Jan 28, 2012
Buying votes in the US. And why US bonds are no longer A+.
American democracy where vote buyers stay in office as the receivers of benefits outnumber those who pay for the benefits. But the model is unsustainable and the bubble will burst - sooner or later.
Brides of Christ having fun
Something light, fun and joyful as life is meant to be enjoyed and savored to the last second. "I came that they may have life and have it to the full." Jn 10:10.
I'm not a bettin' man but, I'd wager that the brides of mohammed never had anything close to this.
And if the Lord can turn water into wine, imagine what he can do with cheap beer.
I'm not a bettin' man but, I'd wager that the brides of mohammed never had anything close to this.
And if the Lord can turn water into wine, imagine what he can do with cheap beer.
Jan 27, 2012
Free viewing of film that CAIR is suppressing.
'The Third Jihad' Producers Reply to New York Times Articles
Documentary recently pulled from NYPD counterterrorism training; Times articles filled with innuendo and inaccuracies
The New York Times has sharply criticized the New York Police Department for using the critically-acclaimed documentary The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision for America in counterterrorism training.
The New York Times has published two news articles (first, second), as well as an editorial entitled "Hateful Film" in the past 48 hours.
In response, film producer Raphael Shore has issued the following statement:
"We regret that the film has been taken out of the counterterrorism training program of the NYPD. The New York Times stories are proof positive that the Clarion Fund's high-quality and impactful documentaries touch very sensitive nerves.
For Media Inquiries email media@clarionfund.org
Jan 26, 2012
Obama's Lies Cross Referenced to Facts. Speaks for itself.
Linked references to facts show Obama's lies here or go to http://obamalies.net/list-of-lies
The speech may be compelling and even mesmerizing; but, if it's full of lies then what good is it? This article has the lies followed by a linked reference of the facts in question. It's tough to be president in the information age; but, the people deserve nothing less than the truth and nothing but the truth. So, I hope that will be his last SOTU address. Crap sandwiches are hard to digest.
The speech may be compelling and even mesmerizing; but, if it's full of lies then what good is it? This article has the lies followed by a linked reference of the facts in question. It's tough to be president in the information age; but, the people deserve nothing less than the truth and nothing but the truth. So, I hope that will be his last SOTU address. Crap sandwiches are hard to digest.
Jan 24, 2012
Video: Christian piglet buried somewhere in France. Will a mosque still be built there?
Christian piglet buried somewhere in France. Will a mosque still be built there?
Haram! No way.
To find out, muslim will just have to dig up the spot(s) with the cross.
Turks vs. Germans on war atrocities, humanity, sanity and character.
Yesterday, France has made it illegal to deny that the Turks (muslims) have engaged in a genocide of around 2 million Armenian Christians at the turn of the 20th century. Vive la France!
The Turks in France and everywhere are enraged. They want to deny their war crimes and they want to continue. Just watch as the Coptic Christians get wiped off the face of Egypt, or the non-muslims from Iraq and Afghanistan.
That is the difference between the Turks and the Germans. After the Nazis were overrun, the Germans themselves denounced the genocide that was done to the Jews, Gypsies et al. The Germans paid compensation and made it illegal to deny that these crimes were ever done. I say the Germans have been misled by a madman but as soon as they freed themselves, they did the right thing.
The Turks on the other hand are still led by a madman, mohammed who even in his grave continues to mislead others into hatred. That is why the Turks are not humble enough to say, "We messed up. The Armenians can return and reclaim their lands." These muslims are proud of their murders as they did it in the name of their idol - allah. These muslims have no regrets, no contrition, no sorrow because in their demented minds, they did the right thing and are entitled to the spoils of war - like murdering women and children merits a trophy.
This is why islam and muslims are a threat. Yesterday, it was the Armenian Christians. Today it is the Coptic Christians. Tomorrow it will be the American Christians.
But people still defend muslims in a spirit of multi-culturalism. It is insane. But we must be patient in exposing that this cult or political movement is just as dark and wicked as the Nazis - if not more.
and now.
The Turks in France and everywhere are enraged. They want to deny their war crimes and they want to continue. Just watch as the Coptic Christians get wiped off the face of Egypt, or the non-muslims from Iraq and Afghanistan.
That is the difference between the Turks and the Germans. After the Nazis were overrun, the Germans themselves denounced the genocide that was done to the Jews, Gypsies et al. The Germans paid compensation and made it illegal to deny that these crimes were ever done. I say the Germans have been misled by a madman but as soon as they freed themselves, they did the right thing.
The Turks on the other hand are still led by a madman, mohammed who even in his grave continues to mislead others into hatred. That is why the Turks are not humble enough to say, "We messed up. The Armenians can return and reclaim their lands." These muslims are proud of their murders as they did it in the name of their idol - allah. These muslims have no regrets, no contrition, no sorrow because in their demented minds, they did the right thing and are entitled to the spoils of war - like murdering women and children merits a trophy.
This is why islam and muslims are a threat. Yesterday, it was the Armenian Christians. Today it is the Coptic Christians. Tomorrow it will be the American Christians.
But people still defend muslims in a spirit of multi-culturalism. It is insane. But we must be patient in exposing that this cult or political movement is just as dark and wicked as the Nazis - if not more.
and now.
Jan 23, 2012
2012 Pro-life March Washington DC. Obama's response.
The rally and march.
We're fathers, priests, nuns and brothers, high schoolers from Catholic schools, wounded victims of abortion, even challenged folks who were respected and made to live; we're nobodies in the world, not rich, not famous, not powerful.
But we all came to make a stand, to make a difference - even by our mere and lowly presence. Some flew from far away states; I took a long lunch break and rode the metro. And we made it - for the Lord, for our Lady and I know that they saw us and were pleased.
We want to send a message about stopping legalized murder of unborn children. We will adopt them and give money to help raise them. But all we ask is that, in the name of G-d, stop killing the unborn children.
Obama response.
Pity - all that talent being used stupidly and immorally. He talks about the dreams of girls being possible because they can murder their baby. Obama makes MLK turn white in his grave. MLK talked about the content of character and dreamed of that being the measure of a man. To waste an unborn child is to be devoid of character. Such fillicide, murder of an offspring, is not a dream but a nightmare. Going back to Obama. If he cannot figure out if a fetus is human, then he should not be president. People at lower paygrades know for certain, with scientific and medical corroboration that the fetus is human - with inalienable rights from their Creator; right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And if Obama does not get this concept, then he is not worthy of public service. Well perhaps, dog catcher. Dogs don't have inalienable rights.
Pictures feature: Save the wails, Baby with outstreched arms, Not your DNA - not your body, old nun, "Bukas Loob Sa Diyos" ecclesial movement, Allen West, aborted child - pieces, human rights violation, babies are a blessing, cops, tree protection area, your mom chose life, speak up for those who can't and yours truly.
Click here to go to album.
Video: from the rally to the march.
In the video: Crusader for Life, K of C San Lorenzo Council Virginia Beah,
St. Francis University Loretto, San Antonia de Padua Bronx, NY, Ave Maria Students for Life Florida et al.
We're fathers, priests, nuns and brothers, high schoolers from Catholic schools, wounded victims of abortion, even challenged folks who were respected and made to live; we're nobodies in the world, not rich, not famous, not powerful.
But we all came to make a stand, to make a difference - even by our mere and lowly presence. Some flew from far away states; I took a long lunch break and rode the metro. And we made it - for the Lord, for our Lady and I know that they saw us and were pleased.
We want to send a message about stopping legalized murder of unborn children. We will adopt them and give money to help raise them. But all we ask is that, in the name of G-d, stop killing the unborn children.
Obama response.
Pity - all that talent being used stupidly and immorally. He talks about the dreams of girls being possible because they can murder their baby. Obama makes MLK turn white in his grave. MLK talked about the content of character and dreamed of that being the measure of a man. To waste an unborn child is to be devoid of character. Such fillicide, murder of an offspring, is not a dream but a nightmare. Going back to Obama. If he cannot figure out if a fetus is human, then he should not be president. People at lower paygrades know for certain, with scientific and medical corroboration that the fetus is human - with inalienable rights from their Creator; right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And if Obama does not get this concept, then he is not worthy of public service. Well perhaps, dog catcher. Dogs don't have inalienable rights.
Pictures feature: Save the wails, Baby with outstreched arms, Not your DNA - not your body, old nun, "Bukas Loob Sa Diyos" ecclesial movement, Allen West, aborted child - pieces, human rights violation, babies are a blessing, cops, tree protection area, your mom chose life, speak up for those who can't and yours truly.
Click here to go to album.
Video: from the rally to the march.
In the video: Crusader for Life, K of C San Lorenzo Council Virginia Beah,
St. Francis University Loretto, San Antonia de Padua Bronx, NY, Ave Maria Students for Life Florida et al.
Jan 22, 2012
Newt, Romney, Santorum & Paul
Newt may have sinned but, he's repented unlike the phonies
who are taking and living lies.
Romney is the Liberal favorite because he's a strawman ready to be kicked and burned as the poster boy of the rich in Obama's fake class struggle.
Santorum may not be as bright and shiny as Newt but, that's
what advisers are for.
Ron Paul would let the Nazis and Muslims murder others and
keep the US away; for what - the economy? There are
more important things than money.
Ron Paul on homosexual marriage vis-a-vis Card. Burke's & the Catholic teaching
This is the Catholic Church's position re: homosexual unions.
I don't want to put words in Ron Paul's mouth, so I leave it up to you to verify what his position is. It does not comply with the Church's teaching.
I don't want to put words in Ron Paul's mouth, so I leave it up to you to verify what his position is. It does not comply with the Church's teaching.
Jan 21, 2012
The Massacre of Christians at Maspero. Testimony to US Congress.
This week, Egyptian political activist Cynthia Farahat testified before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the House of Representatives. Reps. Frank Wolf and James McDermott presented Under Threat: The Worsening Plight of Egypt's Coptic Christians.
Ms. Farahat spoke about her experiences as an activist and co-founder of the Liberal Egyptian Party in 2006, while in her twenties-- the platform of which argued for "secularism, human rights, capitalism, the rule of law, and rejection of pan-Arabism and Islamic imperialism," not to mention the rejection of Shariah.
For more: http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/p18878.xml
Jan 19, 2012
"Done deal" defense for Obama's ineligibility case.
Source: http://www.wnd.com/2012/01/obama-argues-against-appearing-at-eligibility-hearing/
Excerpt: Obama argues against appearing at eligibility hearing
In short, he's saying he earned the right to be president because he was able to fool those folks and work the system. And once he's been made, then no one can unmake him - despite the overwhelming evidence, despite the truth and the reality.
If we can take a page from the Catholic sacrament playbook, we can use the analogy of marriage and the impediments to it. If someone is still married, he cannot remarry period. So, if someone lies and goes through the ceremony, his marriage is invalid. It is null and void. He is incapable of contracting marraige because of that impediment.
The qualifications for the presidency are clearly defined in the Constitution. So, if Obama is not qualified then he is not qualified regardless of who says so. If someone who is ineligible has been elected, then that election does not make him eligible because, he cannot even run for the office to begin with. Obama is barred from even participating. So, his election is null and void by virtue of the highest law in the land.
Unless they amend the Constitution to say that the electoral college can exempt a candidate from the eligibility requirements, the his defense is lame and even shameful. What will that say about us as a nation? If we can cheat and win, then that's OK? If we can bribe and fool the electoral college, then the States who form the union should just suck it up? No way Jose.
So, we clearly have a usurper to the executive office. How long will he stay? If we got away with cheating to be elected, he can get away with cheating to stay in power. And that I think is why gun sales are up.
Excerpt: Obama argues against appearing at eligibility hearing
'Electors, Congress, not Georgia, hold responsibility for qualifications of candidates'My comment:
Barack Obama has outlined a defense strategy for a multitude of state-level challenges to his candidacy on the 2012 presidential ballot in a Georgia case that is scheduled to come before a judge later this month – simply explain that states have nothing to do with the eligibility of presidential candidates.
“Presidential electors and Congress, not the state of Georgia, hold the constitutional responsibility for determining the qualifications of presidential candidates,” Obama’s lawyer argues in a motion to quash a subpoena for him to appear at the hearings Jan. 26.
“The election of President Obama by the presidential electors, confirmed by Congress, makes the documents and testimony sought by plaintiff irrelevant,” the lawyer said.
In short, he's saying he earned the right to be president because he was able to fool those folks and work the system. And once he's been made, then no one can unmake him - despite the overwhelming evidence, despite the truth and the reality.
If we can take a page from the Catholic sacrament playbook, we can use the analogy of marriage and the impediments to it. If someone is still married, he cannot remarry period. So, if someone lies and goes through the ceremony, his marriage is invalid. It is null and void. He is incapable of contracting marraige because of that impediment.
The qualifications for the presidency are clearly defined in the Constitution. So, if Obama is not qualified then he is not qualified regardless of who says so. If someone who is ineligible has been elected, then that election does not make him eligible because, he cannot even run for the office to begin with. Obama is barred from even participating. So, his election is null and void by virtue of the highest law in the land.
Unless they amend the Constitution to say that the electoral college can exempt a candidate from the eligibility requirements, the his defense is lame and even shameful. What will that say about us as a nation? If we can cheat and win, then that's OK? If we can bribe and fool the electoral college, then the States who form the union should just suck it up? No way Jose.
So, we clearly have a usurper to the executive office. How long will he stay? If we got away with cheating to be elected, he can get away with cheating to stay in power. And that I think is why gun sales are up.
Recount results Santorum won Iowa. video (on Romney)
Source http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/19/politics/iowa-caucus/?hpt=hp_t1#
excerpt "(CNN) -- Rick Santorum finished the Iowa Republican caucuses 34 votes ahead of Mitt Romney, but results from several precincts are missing and the full actual results may never be known, according to a final certified tally released Thursday by the Iowa GOP."
Obama supported the Wall Street bailouts… So did Romney.
Obama gave us radical Obamacare… that was based on Romneycare.
Obama’s a liberal on social issues.
Romney once bragged he’s even more liberal than Ted Kennedy on social issues.
Why would we ever vote for someone who is just like Obama?
When we can unite around Rick Santorum. And beat Obama.
excerpt "(CNN) -- Rick Santorum finished the Iowa Republican caucuses 34 votes ahead of Mitt Romney, but results from several precincts are missing and the full actual results may never be known, according to a final certified tally released Thursday by the Iowa GOP."
Obama supported the Wall Street bailouts… So did Romney.
Obama gave us radical Obamacare… that was based on Romneycare.
Obama’s a liberal on social issues.
Romney once bragged he’s even more liberal than Ted Kennedy on social issues.
Why would we ever vote for someone who is just like Obama?
When we can unite around Rick Santorum. And beat Obama.
Fr. Barron comments on "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus"
In response to the viral video of "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus", the Barron has spoken.
If video fails, click here or go to
If video fails, click here or go to
Jan 17, 2012
Muslim business: abduct, rape, convert then sell Christian girls
From source http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=87716&Cat=4&dt=1/16/2012
Within the past three months, nine women have been abducted and forcibly converted to Islam. MPA Javed adds that the purpose is not to gain good deeds, but to sell them. A majority of the Christian girls converted are married, he says.
According to reports he received from different areas of the city, the abducted women are later sold to feudal lords in Sindh and Punjab. Citing a recent example, Javed says that in Essa Nagri, a 23-year-old married girl was forcibly remarried to a 60-year-old Muslim man, who was notorious for selling girls.
Javed said that the man was known to be pious, but had a side business of selling Christian girls. He says many people apart from him knew the truth. The only information that the family received was by a phone call through which they were informed by somebody that their girl is in Punjab.
He points out that there is a judgment by the Lahore High Court which clearly states that a “married Christian woman cannot be remarried to a Muslim even if converted,” but these cases do not even go to the police to be challenged in the high courts.
March for Life DC 2012 Route & Schedule 1/23
Main site: http://www.marchforlife.org/
Click on map to enlarge.
March for Life Rally-January 23, 2012: The location this year will be on the National Mall west of 8th Street near the Smithsonian Castle. The rally will begin at 12:00 PM and continue until about 1:30 PM, followed immediately by the March.
March for Life-January 23, 2012: The March will begin immediately after the rally and follow its customary route up Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill. If you are returning to the Hyatt Regency or Union Station upon completion of the March, please continue past the Supreme Court building, turn left on East Capitol Street and left again on 2nd Street. That will allow you to proceed to your destination without going against the flow of marchers who are still arriving at the Supreme Court.
Jan 14, 2012
US military abuses critiqued by a military man without a teleprompter.
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army lieutenant colonel, sends THE WEEKLY STANDARD an email commenting on the Marines' video, and has given us permission to publish it.
“I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.
“All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq?
“The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.
“As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”
Jan 13, 2012
On video, how dead people vote or why Democrats oppose the voter ID requirement.
If video fails, click here or go to
Donate to projectveritas.com On January 10th, Project Veritas reporters walked into New Hampshire Polling Locations during the Presidential Primaries, saying dead people's names. We stated the name of a dead person we got from the NH obituaries. The names of the deceased were both Registered Republican and Democrats And in almost every case, saying a dead person's name, we were handed a ballot to cast a vote. We used no misrepresentation and no false pretenses. in fact, in almost every case, we insisted we show ID and they insisted that we vote without showing ID. Thanks to DailyCaller.com for breaking story.
Donate to projectveritas.com On January 10th, Project Veritas reporters walked into New Hampshire Polling Locations during the Presidential Primaries, saying dead people's names. We stated the name of a dead person we got from the NH obituaries. The names of the deceased were both Registered Republican and Democrats And in almost every case, saying a dead person's name, we were handed a ballot to cast a vote. We used no misrepresentation and no false pretenses. in fact, in almost every case, we insisted we show ID and they insisted that we vote without showing ID. Thanks to DailyCaller.com for breaking story.
Jan 12, 2012
Imperfect but electable?
There's the meme that promotes Romney as an imperfect but electable nominee. It is really dubious where that comes from as it could be from the opponent themselves.
It appears that Romney is a strawman in the making. The Liberal media and everyone else backs off from knocking him now so that he will emerge as the GOP nominee. Then as Obama has declared the election is going to be about class warfare and Romney is going to be knocked out as a silver spooned poster child of the uncaring and out of touch 1%.
And given his track record, he is not that far from Obama. So, if he does get elected, then the country is not that much better off because, he is Obama-lite. But people really want anyone but Obama or Obama-lite for that matter. So, Romney may not be really electable - as the media make him out to be.
Instead, why not go for the gold and take someone who does not speak from both sides of his mouth or flips flops to say whatever the hearers want to hear. Sanctorum is a principled and honest person who is just as electable as any.
We don't really have to choose between two evils. Why follow the scripts that the Liberals write for us?
It appears that Romney is a strawman in the making. The Liberal media and everyone else backs off from knocking him now so that he will emerge as the GOP nominee. Then as Obama has declared the election is going to be about class warfare and Romney is going to be knocked out as a silver spooned poster child of the uncaring and out of touch 1%.
And given his track record, he is not that far from Obama. So, if he does get elected, then the country is not that much better off because, he is Obama-lite. But people really want anyone but Obama or Obama-lite for that matter. So, Romney may not be really electable - as the media make him out to be.
Instead, why not go for the gold and take someone who does not speak from both sides of his mouth or flips flops to say whatever the hearers want to hear. Sanctorum is a principled and honest person who is just as electable as any.
We don't really have to choose between two evils. Why follow the scripts that the Liberals write for us?
Jan 10, 2012
Romney is pro-life or pro-choice based on where he is campaigning (video)
If video fails, click here or go to
Mitt Romney is pro-life or pro-choice based on where he is campaigning. "Every piece of legislation that has come across my desk I've come down on the side of life." Except for Romney Health Care that pays for abortion, promotes chemical abortions with Plan B, gives Planned Parenthood a seat on the Mass. health advisory board, and attempts to force pro-life hospitals to dispense abortifacients. Mitt also supports killing the tiniest humans for research, asked the federal government to start funding abortifacients, appointed pro-abortion Democrat Matt Nestor to a district court, attended a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood, and told the NARAL, "you need someone like me in Washington." Yet sadly, National Right To Life's longtime general counsel and political architect James Bopp is campaigning for Romney, trying to provide political cover to convince pro-lifers to vote for an obvious pro-choicer who will lie to obtain more power for himself (and the compromised pro-life industry). -American RTL Action
Mitt Romney is pro-life or pro-choice based on where he is campaigning. "Every piece of legislation that has come across my desk I've come down on the side of life." Except for Romney Health Care that pays for abortion, promotes chemical abortions with Plan B, gives Planned Parenthood a seat on the Mass. health advisory board, and attempts to force pro-life hospitals to dispense abortifacients. Mitt also supports killing the tiniest humans for research, asked the federal government to start funding abortifacients, appointed pro-abortion Democrat Matt Nestor to a district court, attended a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood, and told the NARAL, "you need someone like me in Washington." Yet sadly, National Right To Life's longtime general counsel and political architect James Bopp is campaigning for Romney, trying to provide political cover to convince pro-lifers to vote for an obvious pro-choicer who will lie to obtain more power for himself (and the compromised pro-life industry). -American RTL Action
Jan 9, 2012
Osmakac : Another All American Muslim - the reality (not the show)
If video fails, click here or go to
Islam In America: Muslim Christian Fight In The... by RevivalOfIslam
Here's another video of Osmakac assaulting some Christian protesters.
From AP: ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) -- Authorities say a 25-year-old described as an Islamic extremist was arrested in a plot to attack sites around Tampa, Fla., after taking possession of disabled guns and bombs
The U.S. Department of Justice announced the arrest of Sami Osmakac on Monday.
Federal officials say a confidential source told them that Osmakac wanted Al Qaeda flags. The federal complaint alleges Osmakac gave the agent a $500 down payment for an AK-47, multiple homemade explosive grenades and the explosive belt so he could attack various locations in Tampa.
Islam In America: Muslim Christian Fight In The... by RevivalOfIslam
Here's another video of Osmakac assaulting some Christian protesters.
From AP: ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) -- Authorities say a 25-year-old described as an Islamic extremist was arrested in a plot to attack sites around Tampa, Fla., after taking possession of disabled guns and bombs
The U.S. Department of Justice announced the arrest of Sami Osmakac on Monday.
Federal officials say a confidential source told them that Osmakac wanted Al Qaeda flags. The federal complaint alleges Osmakac gave the agent a $500 down payment for an AK-47, multiple homemade explosive grenades and the explosive belt so he could attack various locations in Tampa.
Jan 7, 2012
Jan 3, 2012
Breaking: Judge Malihi, Deputy Chief judge of the Administrative court in GA, ruled, that Obama’s motion to dismiss is denied. He will have to stand trial and prove his eligibility for office.
Source: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?attachment_id=29975 Farrar Motion to dismiss by Obama is denied
From Dr. Orly Taitz, who was challenging Obama's eligibility for the past 3 years.
From Dr. Orly Taitz, who was challenging Obama's eligibility for the past 3 years.
I still can’t believe this. The order is in the link above. Judge Malihi, Deputy Chief judge of the Administrative court in GA, ruled, that Obama’s motion to dismiss is denied. He will have to stand trial and prove his eligibility for office.
This is particularly sweet, as it is happening in GA, where judge Clay D. Land maligned me so badly and attacked me with $20,000 of sanctions in order to silence me, to stop me from challenging Obama. Judge Land was sending a message to other attorneys and intimidating them, de facto telling them, “you dare to go after Obama, raise the issue of his forged birth certificate and invalid Social Secrity number, establishment will attack you and sanction you, just like attorney Taitz”
Now judge Malihi is sending a message: “nobody is above the law”
I am filing a motion for judicial notice in the other 5 courts, where I have cases. Please, spread the word.
I wanted to thank evrybody, who was helping me so far to repay those $20,000, who donated to help me fly to other states, including my prior flights to GA.
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2012/01/voters-guide-to-republicans.html
EVERYBODY knows that Republicans are EVIL! What kind of Evil? Greedy, Fascist, Racist evil -- the worst kind! Bill Whittle unravels the facts behind this perfect storm of evil in a breezy fashion that provides a hurricane of historical data to lift the white robes of even the most stalwart Democrats.
To support these messages go to http://www.declarationentertainment.com/
EVERYBODY knows that Republicans are EVIL! What kind of Evil? Greedy, Fascist, Racist evil -- the worst kind! Bill Whittle unravels the facts behind this perfect storm of evil in a breezy fashion that provides a hurricane of historical data to lift the white robes of even the most stalwart Democrats.
To support these messages go to http://www.declarationentertainment.com/
Jan 2, 2012
Church Bells "ruin" Islamic Prayer Service(Moscow Russia)
If video fails, click here or go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2012/01/church-bells-ruin-islamic-prayer.html
Sometimes, you gotta love those Russians!
Muslim asslifters seethe as loud church bells drown out an Islamic prayer service in the streets of Moscow.
Sometimes, you gotta love those Russians!
Muslim asslifters seethe as loud church bells drown out an Islamic prayer service in the streets of Moscow.
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