Dec 31, 2014
Nov 16, 2014
Nov 7, 2014
Nov 2, 2014
Oct 29, 2014
Oct 28, 2014
Oct 23, 2014
Oct 22, 2014
Democrats start to steal midterms!!!! video
Cook County Voting Machine Casts GOP Candidate’s Vote for His Dem Opponent
AZ ballot box stuffing on tape
Oct 21, 2014
Woman stoned by ISIS for adultery infront of her father, starts at 3:29 video
Woman stoned by ISIS for adultery infront of her father, starts at 3:29
Oct 16, 2014
Oct 11, 2014
Oct 10, 2014
Sep 9, 2014
Sep 6, 2014
Aug 4, 2014
Jul 31, 2014
Jul 29, 2014
Jul 25, 2014
Jul 24, 2014
Jul 19, 2014
Jul 14, 2014
American Muslims beat up with sticks Pro-Israel DemonStrators in LA
Jul 12, 2014
Jul 9, 2014
Jul 8, 2014
Women & children first. Men next. Democrats orchestrate border crisis to build future base.
Man's best friend; Islamists' enemy. (video)
Because Islamists aren't human.
(Throwing dog off roof.)
Jul 7, 2014
Sandy Hook Student Confesses ‘WE WERE HAVING A DRILL’ (video)
When an interviewer passes over a child admitting that there was a drill on the day of the Sandy Hook shooting you have to ask yourself why. He completely ignores what the child has said and carries on with his next question…
Homosexual anal sex allowed in Islam for Muslim Brotherhood acc. to their religious teaching (video)
Warriors of Allah can now pack fudge without guilt.
Jihad from the rear: Egyptian cleric Mazher Shahin gave an address on the Egyptian Al-Tahrir TV channel, in which he lambasted the Muslim Brotherhood, claiming that it permitted homosexuality among its members. This “anal Jihad” is proof that they are “a bunch of hopeless and desperate peddlers, who have reached a state of foolishness, stupidity, filth, and so on – to the highest imaginable degree,” he said.
Following are excerpts from the TV show, which aired on June 26, 2014:
Mazher Shahin: We have recently heard of a new kind of Jihad, called “anal Jihad.” Do you know what that is? They practice homosexuality with one another, thinking, wrongly, that this constitutes Jihad for the sake of Allah.
The [Muslim Brotherhood] is a bunch of hopeless and desperate peddlers, who have reached a state of foolishness, stupidity, filth, and so on – to the highest imaginable degree. This catastrophe – this “anal Jihad” – is proof of this. We have heard about “sexual Jihad,” in which somebody takes a woman and has sex with her because he is waging Jihad.
Now we are hearing about “anal Jihad,” in which two men are permitted to perform this great sin – God forbid – with one another, because they are away from home and cannot have sex with their wives. They are conducting what they consider to be Jihad for the sake of Allah, so they do it with one another. Their sheiks permit them to do these things. This is despicable, foolish, and asinine.
Jul 2, 2014
Jul 1, 2014
Obama gauging backlash from 'illegal amnesty' move
Obama is checking what the backlash will be if he unilaterally grants amnesty to practically 11 million illegals notwithstanding the popular opposition & the jobless conditions in the USA. He's feeling around, sounding off and getting set for yet another doubling down in his gamble to transform the USA into a welfare state to usher more Socialism & government control.
He is courting the Churches & American sympathies by using children as props - just like in Sandy Hook. And he knows that his window of opportunity exists only in the next 5 months. With his recent defeats in the courts, will he in his reckless fashion double down on a gamble that could cause a violent social upheaval?
What is going into this man's head? If he grants amnesty, then chances are the Senate goes GOP & all his work gets repealled plus the WH goes GOP in 2016. If he does not grant amnesty, then his stunt and gimmick, his melodrama and last chance to pave the way for Socialism is all but gone.
Or has he learned that all his lawless activities will slowly but surely be undone by case law and repeal? Regardless of the path he takes, his cause is lost.
He is courting the Churches & American sympathies by using children as props - just like in Sandy Hook. And he knows that his window of opportunity exists only in the next 5 months. With his recent defeats in the courts, will he in his reckless fashion double down on a gamble that could cause a violent social upheaval?
What is going into this man's head? If he grants amnesty, then chances are the Senate goes GOP & all his work gets repealled plus the WH goes GOP in 2016. If he does not grant amnesty, then his stunt and gimmick, his melodrama and last chance to pave the way for Socialism is all but gone.
Or has he learned that all his lawless activities will slowly but surely be undone by case law and repeal? Regardless of the path he takes, his cause is lost.
VIDEO: Here’s the 11 Million Illegal Immigrant Amnesty That Obama Might Enforce Through Executive Order
Democratic Representative Gutierrez appeared on Chris Hayes’ show to advocate for what he believed should be imposed on America through executive order by Obama. Halfway through, he says something unintelligible about Americans “consummating marriages” with illegal aliens, but apart from that weird moment, he outlines three groups he wants to receive deportation deferrals:
Democratic Representative Gutierrez appeared on Chris Hayes’ show to advocate for what he believed should be imposed on America through executive order by Obama. Halfway through, he says something unintelligible about Americans “consummating marriages” with illegal aliens, but apart from that weird moment, he outlines three groups he wants to receive deportation deferrals:
- Parents of the so-called “Dream Act” recipients, which up until last month included 550,000 illegal aliens. If their parents received the same deferral, that would be 1.1 million illegal aliens.
- Parents of any child who is now an illegal alien – Gutierrez puts that number at 5 million, meaning another 10 million
- Finally, just in case we missed anyone, he said Obama should just ignore that the House won’t pass the Senate version immigration bill, and act like it’s law anyway. Because who needs a constitutional Republic with separation of powers?
Jun 30, 2014
ETWN granted relief from Obamacare.
Washington D.C., Jun 30, 2014 / 01:15 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The EWTN Global Catholic Network has secured temporary emergency relief against the federal contraception mandate one day before it would have gone into effect.
“We are thankful that the Eleventh Circuit protected our right to religious freedom while we pursue our case in court,” said Michael Warsaw, chairman and CEO of EWTN. “We want to continue to practice the same Catholic faith that we preach to the world every day.”
Without the injunction to protect against the mandate, EWTN would have be forced to comply with its demands starting July 1, or face potential fines of more than $35,000 per day in penalties for refusing to do so.
Issued under the Affordable Care Act, the federal mandate requires most employers to either provide or facilitate employee insurance coverage for contraception, sterilization and some drugs that can cause early abortions.
As an organization founded to uphold the Catholic faith, EWTN objects to providing or facilitating these products and practices, which violate Church teaching.
The network is among more than 300 plaintiffs that have filed lawsuits across the country charging that the mandate violates federal and constitutional protections of religious freedom.
A thief must have his hands tied. Why is Obama still loose?
Some of Obama's lawlessness executive actions have been proven and adjudicated by Supreme Court rulings. Other illegal activities have been shrouded in dubious circumstances. But nonetheless, the egregious nature of these crimes demand that authorities take proactive measures to stop Obama from doing more damage & committing more crimes.
3 Israeli teens found dead. Their blood cries out for justice.
We must find those responsible & make them pay.
Bibi vows, "Hamas will pay."
On a related note, Obama admin will pay Hamas.
(Despicable Obama admin. Simply despicable.)
We must find those responsible & make them pay.
Bibi vows, "Hamas will pay."
On a related note, Obama admin will pay Hamas.
(Despicable Obama admin. Simply despicable.)
USAF Ordered to Practice Islam at Ramadan
And no one dares question this as illegal, inappropriate & immoral.
Military newspaper Stars and Stripes report:
“It actually made me want to do a lot more research into the religion,” said Petty Officer 1st Class James Ramirez.Really? How about equal time for the Jewish faith? The Christian faith? The Hindu faith?
US military are encouraged “to experience Iftar in a Ramadan tent.”
Why anyone who is not a Muslim must stop eating (except in secret) during Ramadan is another example of Islamic supremacism. Unlike Jewish law, which pertains only to Jews, and Canon Law, which pertains only to Catholics, the Sharia asserts its totalitarian authority over non-Muslims.
During the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, Jews fast from sunup to sundown. Nowhere and at no time has the idea of no one else eating been considered. Nor should it.
The idea that our servicemen and women cannot have a coffee on their drive to work is outrageous and indicative of how far the West has gone in the norming of the sharia. Muslims eat a giant meal before sunup, but our boys and girls can’t have a coffee while we defend these countries in many cases? Supremacism and submission.
And it doesn’t stop there. Our soldiers (men and women) must wear long sleeve shirts. No alcohol or smoking is permitted, and if all this weren’t pathetic enough, soldiers are instructed to say “Ramadan Kareem.”
- See more at:
Obamacare crashes & burns as more Supreme Court rulings delegitimizes it. Hobby Lobby Wins!
Obama disagrees because he either does not understand the Constitution; that's the problem with affirmative action. Or he disregards the Constitutional rights & the separation of powers that he blatantly violates the law of the land making him violate his oath to uphold the law. Either way, he is either a fool or a traitor and is not fit for office.
Obama disagrees because he either does not understand the Constitution; that's the problem with affirmative action. Or he disregards the Constitutional rights & the separation of powers that he blatantly violates the law of the land making him violate his oath to uphold the law. Either way, he is either a fool or a traitor and is not fit for office.
Jun 19, 2014
The Muslim Brotherhood ‘Gets Even’ by raping supporters of Egypt president
Rape in Egypt: The Muslim Brotherhood ‘Gets Even’
By Raymond Ibrahim, June 17, 2014 (hat tip Inexion)
Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers recently went on a sexual assault and rape spree in Egypt as a way of “getting even” with those women who dared to celebrate the presidential victory of Abdel Fatteh al-Sisi—the former army chief who overthrew Muslim Brotherhood rule in Egypt.
On June 8, when tens of thousands of Egyptians congregated in Tahrir Square to celebrate Sisi’s inauguration, dozens of women were sexually assaulted and many more harassed. According to a statement later released by the Ministry of Interior, seven men between the ages of 15 and 49 were arrested for sexually assaulting “a number of women.”
One 19-year-old female student was especially brutalized—and videotaped as she was stripped naked and sexually assaulted by a throng of men. (I saw the graphic video on YouTube, though it has since been removed; a much less graphic clip of the initial assault appears here.) A gun-waving police officer eventually managed to rescue the woman from her ordeal, though after sustaining injuries himself.
Sexually harassing or raping those supportive of Sisi by way of “retribution” is not uncommon in Egypt. Earlier, a six-year-old boy was raped by a Muslim Brotherhood member who was “angered” at the child for singing praises to Sisi. He lured the boy into a shed, locked the doors, and proceeded to rape him, while saying, “You’re always holding pictures of this Sisi and singing his praises. Come, I’ll humiliate and break you—and your Sisi.”
Although Western media never specify who is behind these sexual assaults—often citing “the mob”—Hala Sarhan, a popular TV host in Egypt alluded to the ultimate source that legitimizes sexual harassment and rape in Egypt, namely, Islamist preachers and leaders:
What was said to these people [rapists] to brainwash them into think that such violations on the person and body of this young girl [the aforementioned rape victim] were permissible? … I’ll tell you. The one in parliament who said this, is the same as the man who did that… And the one who told that girl that she is an infidel, is the same as the one in parliament who said that it’s permissible to marry a 9-year-old girl [based on the prophet of Islam’s example when he married the girl-child Aisha]. The ones who in the mosques told him that they [women] are in the pits of hell and the lures of Satan—adulteresses, that Satan lives in their bodies… This is what they tell them in the mosques! And they’re so upset now [Islamist preachers] because they can no longer continue to preach like this in the mosques! We thank you minister of religious endowments for stopping this mockery! [The new Egyptian government has cracked down on radical preachers.] Before [under Morsi], every guy that yelled and stomped got himself a pulpit to preach such thoughts into the minds of the youth—and then they went out thinking they are doing jihad. You see, they have this thing in their mind that says “If we curse or attack an infidel, that is jihad”…. Concerning the previous cases of sexual harassment, they [Islamist authorities] told people, “Why did she [any violated woman] leave her house in the first place? She deserves what she got!” They told them, “Your sister needs to be circumcised”; told them, “In the house, beat her and discipline her, break her bones; and if she refuses to have sex with you, saying she’s tired or sick, curse her with the angels till the sun rises.” We allowed these people to fill their minds with such ideas!Such honesty is reminiscent of an Egyptian op-ed that appeared after a young Coptic woman was murdered by a pro-Brotherhood mob because they identified her as a Christian:
Those who killed the young and vulnerable Mary Sameh George, for hanging a cross in her car, are not criminals, but rather wretches who follow those who legalized for them murder, lynching, dismemberment, and the stripping bare of young Christian girls—without every saying “kill.” [Islamic cleric] Yassir Burhami and his colleagues who announce their hate for Christians throughout satellite channels and in mosques—claiming that hatred of Christians is synonymous with love for Allah—they are the true killers who need to be tried and prosecuted.At any rate, using sexual harassment and rape to force people to comply with Islamist agendas has a long history, especially in Egypt. In 2011, during the “Arab Spring,” when the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists were released from prison, legitimized and eventually rose to power, sexual harassment skyrocketed, as one graph showed. Moreover, UN research done in 2013, when Morsi was president, suggested that 99.3% of Egyptian women had experienced sexual harassment.
Indeed, in February, 2013, hundreds of Egyptian women took to the streets of Tahrir Square to protest this nonstop harassment. They held slogans like “Silence is unacceptable, my anger will be heard,” and “A safe square for all; Down with sexual harassment.” “Marchers also shouted chants against President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood group from which he hails,” wrote Al Ahram Online.
The response was more sexual harassment and rapes. One woman was gang-raped for approximately 20 minutes and nearly died. And as Hala Sarhan pointed out, elements from the then Islamist-heavy government under Morsi blamed the women themselves, saying that:
women taking part in protests bear the responsibility of being sexually harassed, [and] describing what happens in some demonstrators’ tents as “prostitution.” Major General Adel Afify, member of the committee representing the Salafi Asala Party, criticized female protesters, saying that they “know they are among thugs. They should protect themselves before requesting that the Interior Ministry does so. By getting herself involved in such circumstances, the woman has 100 percent responsibility.”Likewise, popular Salafi preacher Abu Islam sarcastically blamed the victims:
“They tell you women are a red line. They tell you that naked women [i.e., not wearing veils or hijabs]—who are going to Tahrir Square because they want to be raped—are a red line! And they ask Morsi and the Brotherhood to leave power!” Abu Islam added that these women activists are going to Tahrir Square not to protest but to be sexually abused because they had wanted to be raped. “They have no shame, no fear and not even feminism. Practice your feminism, sheikha! It is a legitimate right for you to be a woman,” he said. “And by the way, 90 percent of them are crusaders [i.e. Christian Copts] and the remaining 10 percent are widows who have no one to control them. You see women talking like monsters,” he added.The only silver lining in this cloud of Islamist rape that hovers over Egypt is that the differences between Morsi and his Brotherhood government, and Sisi and the post-Brotherhood government, are already apparent. In response to the endemic sexual harassment in Egypt, the new government
passed a law criminalizing all forms of sexual harassment… A new article, which has been issued into power, adds a harsh punishment to those found guilty of unwanted sexual contact…. Other amended laws, under article 306, declare that those found guilty of verbal sexual harassment in a private or public place will be sentenced to a minimum of six months in prison and fined no less than EGP 3,000 ($US 420).When I recently asked some analyst colleagues in Egypt if Morsi ever took any such measures against sexual harassment, the quip I received most was along the lines of “Take measures? He was the one ordering sexual harassment against his female critics.”
Still, and in keeping with Western MSM journalism, Sisi, who at least appears to be trying to take some measures against sexual harassment, is now being portrayed by the Guardian in a cynical light—while Morsi who did nothing and whose Islamist allies were responsible for inciting violence against women got a free pass—just like the New York Times recently tried to blame Sisi for the plight of Egypt’s religious minorities, without mentioning that it was often Morsi and the Islamists who put them there in the first place.
- See more at:
US to change Iraq head to support & enable Islamic regime
Obama's quest for an 'inclusive' (Read Sunni) government:
The new Iraq with ISIS territory:
Jun 18, 2014
End Game Shows Up: To Give Illegals The Right To Vote & Get Benefits
"But the move reveals the end-game for Democrats who will no doubt push for similar legislation on a Federal level and throughout State Capitols across the country. Amid heavy criticism of President Obama’s foreign policy, continued degradation of the national economy, and the continued failure of promises to improve equality among the working class, the Democrats are quickly running out of options and run a serious risk of losing political control on every level of government.
They’ve come to the realization that their only option at this point is to offset the the losses in their voter base. And what better way to do that then to open the borders to hundreds of thousands of new voters to whom they can pander with free food, health care, and even voting rights?"
Full text here:
They’ve come to the realization that their only option at this point is to offset the the losses in their voter base. And what better way to do that then to open the borders to hundreds of thousands of new voters to whom they can pander with free food, health care, and even voting rights?"
Full text here:
For nonmuslims to not be persecuted under Islam: Conditions of Omar (Islamic emperor)
Saturday, 7 June 2014
Enjoy The Conditions Of Omar
Dear Reader,
The Pact of Omar was a treaty drawn up between Muhammad's successor Caliph Omar and the conquered Christians and Jews in his domain. The Pact was based on Muhammad's treatment of conquered people. It set out the rules Christians and Jews had to abide by in order to be protected from further jihad attacks. This pact formed the basis of the Conditions of Omar.
Verse 9:29 of the Koran sets out the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. It says,
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.”
In Islamic parlance “People of the Book” refers to Christians and Jews—they have a book (other religions at the time didn’t have a book). Under conquest they had a third choice other than conversion to Islam or death; this was to live under Sharia as inferior people suffering various humiliations, one of which was the jizyah, a tax levied only on non-Muslims. The non-Muslims are known as dhimmis (pronounced dimmees).
Dhimmis were forbidden from:
• Criticizing or mocking Islam or Muhammad. Only praise for Islam and Muhammad was allowed
• Criticizing the Conditions of Omar: the very conditions of subjugation under which they lived
• Testifying against a Muslim in court
• Studying Islam - thus keeping them ignorant of its teachings
• Cursing a Muslim
• Raising a hand against a Muslim, even in self-defense, on pain of having it amputated
• Displaying their religious symbols
These are only a sample of the Conditions, chosen to highlight why they are relevant today – which I will come to later. There were geographical and historical variants on the Conditions but they all held to the same theme – the humiliation and subjugation of non-Muslims and the maintenance of multiple forms of discrimination against them.
The Conditions also worked in conjunction with each other. For example, if a Muslim accused a Christian of a capital offence, such as trying to convert a Muslim, the Christians’ own testimony was not valid in their defence.
Dhimmis were ‘protected’ as long as they met the Conditions. If a dhimmi community (or any member of it) broke the Conditions it was the duty of the local Muslim community to restart the jihad against them.
A key outcome of this scenario is the desire of non-Muslims to avoid confrontations with Muslims and to police one another to prevent deviant individuals destroying the ‘protection’ of the Conditions.
Pakistan is a Muslim country where the Conditions of Omar are operating to some degree today. In March 2013, because one Christian was accused of blasphemy, some 3,000 Muslims attacked the Christian Joseph Colony of Lahore, burning two churches and 160 Christian homes.
In 2009 in Gojra, eight Christians were burned alive, 100 houses looted and 50 homes set ablaze after another blasphemy accusation.
We can see why dhimmis live in a state of perpetual concern for the potential impact of their personal actions on their whole community.
May 5th 2014, Bangladesh, a 3,000 strong Muslim mob attacked Hindu households and a temple after two youths were alleged to have slandered the ‘prophet’ Muhammad on Facebook.
These are just a few examples to show how the Conditions are applied in practise and that they are still active today. Islam as a body of belief has never discarded them and never will because, realistically, it can’t. You can read many more examples of the Conditions in action today if you look up Raymond Ibrahim’s Bulletin of Christian Persecution online. His book, "Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christianity" is also very informative.
You might like to believe that the application of Islamic law or Sharia is receding. It isn’t. Over the last 60 years Sharia worldwide has been extending and intensifying. See here.
And that brings us to the here and now.
Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries have brought Sharia with them. The Conditions of Omar are simply a subset of Sharia which sets out how Muslims should deal with non-Muslims under conquest.
You might well say that what Muslims do to Hindus or Christians or other non-Muslims in Bangladesh or Pakistan is none of our business. That is called the death of conscience.
You might well say that we have not been conquered. That is only partly true. A process of conquest is underway.
The Conditions of Omar are being established today right under our noses. They may not be coming about because we are under occupation but they are being established as norms of behaviour. Sometimes we are imposing the Conditions on ourselves as a gesture of goodwill or to prevent discrimination; sometimes we are imposing them due to fear of jihad terrorism OR ANGRY RIOTING; sometimes they are established by default.
One of the subtle ways we are surrendering to the Conditions is by policing what non-Muslims can say about Islam and Muslims. See this example.
Anyone living among Muslims today knows that being openly critical of Islam or Muhammad is risky. Plenty of examples have set the precedent: in 2004 Theo van Gogh was murdered for making a film critical of Islamic attitudes to women; in 1989 Salman Rushdie was forced into hiding after writing The Satanic Verses, his Japanese translator was murdered; in 2004 the Danish cartoons episode erupted in which 162 people around the world were killed during protests, again demonstrating how some Muslims will kill people totally unrelated to the ‘offence'.
These are a small selection but they point to 2 clear principles: (1) the author of something considered critical of Islam is liable to be killed; (2) anyone can be killed in revenge against the non-Muslim world. Both of these conform to rules set out in the Conditions.
As a result of such actions and threats most publications refused to print the cartoons. Public figures came to the defence of a religion they knew nothing about. Those seeking to rock the boat further by printing the cartoons became the targets of condemnation rather than the Muslims threatening violence.
Again, this conforms to the Conditions and the behaviour of dhimmi populations who feel vulnerable and threatened. The dhimmi populations turn to self-policing in order to prevent deviant individuals triggering violence from Muslims. This strategy buys into the idea that its entirely up to non-Muslims to refrain from behaviour which upsets Muslims – a dhimmi outlook.
The principle has become established that non-Muslims should not confront Muslims about their behaviour or their beliefs. Only praise of Islam is allowed. This is submission – especially in view of the fact that Islamic beliefs call for the conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims.
In the UK and many European countries legal measures have also been put in place to suppress critical voices about Islam. The Race and Religious Hatred Act 2006 makes it an offence carrying a 2 year prison term for: “A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening... if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred.”
Now how do you prove intent here? Is trying to warn one’s fellow citizens about the divisive and supremacist nature of a religion the same as stirring up hatred against followers of that religion? If so, there is no way to reasonably warn against such a religion. And who would benefit from that? …Not the intended victims, obviously.
Make no mistake; this is happening around you now. Paul Weston, a prospective Member of the European Parliament, was arrested outside the Guildhall, Winchester on April 26th 2014 for quoting Winston Churchill’s damning assessment of Islam. He was charged under the terms of the Race and Religious Hatred Act 2006 for racially and religiously aggravated harassment.
The incident described above is yet another example of the dhimmi relationship in action. Behind all the waffle about discrimination and protecting minorities there is something which explains all the rationalisation taking place: fear. Fear of Muslim violence directed at anyone and everyone for offences against Islam.
You will find the word ‘Islamophobia’ used to describe those who are critical of Islam. What does it mean?
It doesn’t really mean anything; it’s designed as an intimidating word to enforce dhimmi behaviour. It carries a cocktail of messages which have certain key aims:
• Phobia suggests an irrational and exaggerated fear with no basis in reality. Fear is a negative reaction and under the Conditions only praise for Islam is allowed
• The word also suggests dislike or hatred of Islam. This is also a negative reaction and under the Conditions only praise for Islam is allowed
• Thus if you are positive about Islam you are a good person; but if you are negative about Islam you are a bad person. This creates a reluctance to find out more about Islam and discover what you really think about it. This fosters ignorance of Islam which is another requirement of dhimmis under the Conditions
I have tried to give you some understanding of what the Conditions of Omar are, how they are applied in Muslim controlled countries, and how they are being established in non-Muslim countries.
Why on earth should you enjoy the Conditions of Omar?
Given the reluctance of most people to face anything unpleasant, the invitation to enjoy is simply an enticement to get your attention. But it is also more than this.
The 20th century Muslim theorist Syed Qtub said that the only freedom that should be supported was the ‘freedom’ to choose Islam. Non-Muslims under the Conditions of Omar would be gradually stripped of their freedoms so that they were left with only one: the freedom to choose Islam. He said, with a completely straight face, that non-Muslims should enjoy this erosion of their freedoms.
Also, in today’s climate only praise of Islam is allowed. The statement is an expression of what it seeks to change. It’s meant ironically.
The statement is also designed to arouse your curiosity but to do so in a way that cannot be construed as ‘hate speech’. It is positive in mood, though the irony becomes clear later. It is in itself inoffensive but it carries an important message.
In accordance with the Conditions, your ignorance of Islam is required. In today’s world ignorance and silence about Islam are both forms of submission. ‘Dumb’ is a word that encapsulates both ignorance and silence. We are being made dumb and submissive.
The Conditions create a system of gradual enslavement and what the system most needs to succeed right now is your ignorance and silence about Islam.
Finally, you can enjoy the Conditions of Omar by resisting them. Open your eyes to where we are and accept that this is your place in history and do what is right. Many of those in the Greatest Generation who fought Nazism felt it was the best part of their lives. All non-Muslims now have the opportunity to fight for their cultures and their civilisations.
Fighting great evils puts us in a different moral space; we learn more about real human values like courage, truth, and goodness. By standing up to barbarism in defence of higher values we become minor heroes.
Even now, when Muslims are unleashing huge persecution against Christians and other non-Muslims, there is a reticence and dread of offending. There is a posture of apologising and appeasement, of trying to identify what it is in ourselves that is displeasing. All the while the driving force of jihad is ignored.
In the face of such obvious evil, is wearing a badge saying “Enjoy The Conditions Of Omar” too much to ask? By so doing you will act as a signpost that directs others to this webpage.
For your badge you can use our online SHOP or you can right click on the image above and select "Save image as" and save it to a location on your computer. You can then send it to any online maker of button badges. If you have the equipment you can even make them yourself.
So, what's the point?
Raymond Ibrahim - Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christianity
Verse 9:29 of the Koran sets out the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. It says,
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.”
In Islamic parlance “People of the Book” refers to Christians and Jews—they have a book (other religions at the time didn’t have a book). Under conquest they had a third choice other than conversion to Islam or death; this was to live under Sharia as inferior people suffering various humiliations, one of which was the jizyah, a tax levied only on non-Muslims. The non-Muslims are known as dhimmis (pronounced dimmees).
The relationship that the Conditions set up has the following characteristics:
• Jihad violence is held off (like a dragon on a chain) as long as the dhimmis do not breach the Conditions
• If the Conditions are breached (even by one dhimmi) the jihad violence is resumed against any or all of the dhimmi community
• Dhimmis therefore lived in a state of permanent vulnerability and fear. Each dhimmi and the dhimmi community as a whole faced a perpetual concern lest anyone breached the Conditions and brought about catastrophe
Other than paying the non-Muslim poll tax or jizyah what conditions had to be kept?
• Jihad violence is held off (like a dragon on a chain) as long as the dhimmis do not breach the Conditions
• If the Conditions are breached (even by one dhimmi) the jihad violence is resumed against any or all of the dhimmi community
• Dhimmis therefore lived in a state of permanent vulnerability and fear. Each dhimmi and the dhimmi community as a whole faced a perpetual concern lest anyone breached the Conditions and brought about catastrophe
Other than paying the non-Muslim poll tax or jizyah what conditions had to be kept?
Dhimmis were forbidden from:
• Criticizing or mocking Islam or Muhammad. Only praise for Islam and Muhammad was allowed
• Criticizing the Conditions of Omar: the very conditions of subjugation under which they lived
• Testifying against a Muslim in court
• Studying Islam - thus keeping them ignorant of its teachings
• Cursing a Muslim
• Raising a hand against a Muslim, even in self-defense, on pain of having it amputated
• Displaying their religious symbols
These are only a sample of the Conditions, chosen to highlight why they are relevant today – which I will come to later. There were geographical and historical variants on the Conditions but they all held to the same theme – the humiliation and subjugation of non-Muslims and the maintenance of multiple forms of discrimination against them.
The Conditions also worked in conjunction with each other. For example, if a Muslim accused a Christian of a capital offence, such as trying to convert a Muslim, the Christians’ own testimony was not valid in their defence.
Dhimmis were ‘protected’ as long as they met the Conditions. If a dhimmi community (or any member of it) broke the Conditions it was the duty of the local Muslim community to restart the jihad against them.
The Conditions also worked in conjunction with each other. For example, if a Muslim accused a Christian of a capital offence, such as trying to convert a Muslim, the Christians’ own testimony was not valid in their defence.
Dhimmis were ‘protected’ as long as they met the Conditions. If a dhimmi community (or any member of it) broke the Conditions it was the duty of the local Muslim community to restart the jihad against them.
A key outcome of this scenario is the desire of non-Muslims to avoid confrontations with Muslims and to police one another to prevent deviant individuals destroying the ‘protection’ of the Conditions.
Pakistan is a Muslim country where the Conditions of Omar are operating to some degree today. In March 2013, because one Christian was accused of blasphemy, some 3,000 Muslims attacked the Christian Joseph Colony of Lahore, burning two churches and 160 Christian homes.
In 2009 in Gojra, eight Christians were burned alive, 100 houses looted and 50 homes set ablaze after another blasphemy accusation.
We can see why dhimmis live in a state of perpetual concern for the potential impact of their personal actions on their whole community.
May 5th 2014, Bangladesh, a 3,000 strong Muslim mob attacked Hindu households and a temple after two youths were alleged to have slandered the ‘prophet’ Muhammad on Facebook.
These are just a few examples to show how the Conditions are applied in practise and that they are still active today. Islam as a body of belief has never discarded them and never will because, realistically, it can’t. You can read many more examples of the Conditions in action today if you look up Raymond Ibrahim’s Bulletin of Christian Persecution online. His book, "Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christianity" is also very informative.
You might like to believe that the application of Islamic law or Sharia is receding. It isn’t. Over the last 60 years Sharia worldwide has been extending and intensifying. See here.
And that brings us to the here and now.
Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries have brought Sharia with them. The Conditions of Omar are simply a subset of Sharia which sets out how Muslims should deal with non-Muslims under conquest.
You might well say that what Muslims do to Hindus or Christians or other non-Muslims in Bangladesh or Pakistan is none of our business. That is called the death of conscience.
You might well say that we have not been conquered. That is only partly true. A process of conquest is underway.
The Conditions of Omar are being established today right under our noses. They may not be coming about because we are under occupation but they are being established as norms of behaviour. Sometimes we are imposing the Conditions on ourselves as a gesture of goodwill or to prevent discrimination; sometimes we are imposing them due to fear of jihad terrorism OR ANGRY RIOTING; sometimes they are established by default.
One of the subtle ways we are surrendering to the Conditions is by policing what non-Muslims can say about Islam and Muslims. See this example.
Anyone living among Muslims today knows that being openly critical of Islam or Muhammad is risky. Plenty of examples have set the precedent: in 2004 Theo van Gogh was murdered for making a film critical of Islamic attitudes to women; in 1989 Salman Rushdie was forced into hiding after writing The Satanic Verses, his Japanese translator was murdered; in 2004 the Danish cartoons episode erupted in which 162 people around the world were killed during protests, again demonstrating how some Muslims will kill people totally unrelated to the ‘offence'.
These are a small selection but they point to 2 clear principles: (1) the author of something considered critical of Islam is liable to be killed; (2) anyone can be killed in revenge against the non-Muslim world. Both of these conform to rules set out in the Conditions.
As a result of such actions and threats most publications refused to print the cartoons. Public figures came to the defence of a religion they knew nothing about. Those seeking to rock the boat further by printing the cartoons became the targets of condemnation rather than the Muslims threatening violence.
Again, this conforms to the Conditions and the behaviour of dhimmi populations who feel vulnerable and threatened. The dhimmi populations turn to self-policing in order to prevent deviant individuals triggering violence from Muslims. This strategy buys into the idea that its entirely up to non-Muslims to refrain from behaviour which upsets Muslims – a dhimmi outlook.
The principle has become established that non-Muslims should not confront Muslims about their behaviour or their beliefs. Only praise of Islam is allowed. This is submission – especially in view of the fact that Islamic beliefs call for the conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims.
In the UK and many European countries legal measures have also been put in place to suppress critical voices about Islam. The Race and Religious Hatred Act 2006 makes it an offence carrying a 2 year prison term for: “A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening... if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred.”
Now how do you prove intent here? Is trying to warn one’s fellow citizens about the divisive and supremacist nature of a religion the same as stirring up hatred against followers of that religion? If so, there is no way to reasonably warn against such a religion. And who would benefit from that? …Not the intended victims, obviously.
Make no mistake; this is happening around you now. Paul Weston, a prospective Member of the European Parliament, was arrested outside the Guildhall, Winchester on April 26th 2014 for quoting Winston Churchill’s damning assessment of Islam. He was charged under the terms of the Race and Religious Hatred Act 2006 for racially and religiously aggravated harassment.
The incident described above is yet another example of the dhimmi relationship in action. Behind all the waffle about discrimination and protecting minorities there is something which explains all the rationalisation taking place: fear. Fear of Muslim violence directed at anyone and everyone for offences against Islam.
You will find the word ‘Islamophobia’ used to describe those who are critical of Islam. What does it mean?
It doesn’t really mean anything; it’s designed as an intimidating word to enforce dhimmi behaviour. It carries a cocktail of messages which have certain key aims:
• Phobia suggests an irrational and exaggerated fear with no basis in reality. Fear is a negative reaction and under the Conditions only praise for Islam is allowed
• The word also suggests dislike or hatred of Islam. This is also a negative reaction and under the Conditions only praise for Islam is allowed
• Thus if you are positive about Islam you are a good person; but if you are negative about Islam you are a bad person. This creates a reluctance to find out more about Islam and discover what you really think about it. This fosters ignorance of Islam which is another requirement of dhimmis under the Conditions
I have tried to give you some understanding of what the Conditions of Omar are, how they are applied in Muslim controlled countries, and how they are being established in non-Muslim countries.
Why on earth should you enjoy the Conditions of Omar?
Given the reluctance of most people to face anything unpleasant, the invitation to enjoy is simply an enticement to get your attention. But it is also more than this.
The 20th century Muslim theorist Syed Qtub said that the only freedom that should be supported was the ‘freedom’ to choose Islam. Non-Muslims under the Conditions of Omar would be gradually stripped of their freedoms so that they were left with only one: the freedom to choose Islam. He said, with a completely straight face, that non-Muslims should enjoy this erosion of their freedoms.
Also, in today’s climate only praise of Islam is allowed. The statement is an expression of what it seeks to change. It’s meant ironically.
The statement is also designed to arouse your curiosity but to do so in a way that cannot be construed as ‘hate speech’. It is positive in mood, though the irony becomes clear later. It is in itself inoffensive but it carries an important message.
In accordance with the Conditions, your ignorance of Islam is required. In today’s world ignorance and silence about Islam are both forms of submission. ‘Dumb’ is a word that encapsulates both ignorance and silence. We are being made dumb and submissive.
The Conditions create a system of gradual enslavement and what the system most needs to succeed right now is your ignorance and silence about Islam.
Finally, you can enjoy the Conditions of Omar by resisting them. Open your eyes to where we are and accept that this is your place in history and do what is right. Many of those in the Greatest Generation who fought Nazism felt it was the best part of their lives. All non-Muslims now have the opportunity to fight for their cultures and their civilisations.
Fighting great evils puts us in a different moral space; we learn more about real human values like courage, truth, and goodness. By standing up to barbarism in defence of higher values we become minor heroes.
Even now, when Muslims are unleashing huge persecution against Christians and other non-Muslims, there is a reticence and dread of offending. There is a posture of apologising and appeasement, of trying to identify what it is in ourselves that is displeasing. All the while the driving force of jihad is ignored.
In the face of such obvious evil, is wearing a badge saying “Enjoy The Conditions Of Omar” too much to ask? By so doing you will act as a signpost that directs others to this webpage.
For your badge you can use our online SHOP or you can right click on the image above and select "Save image as" and save it to a location on your computer. You can then send it to any online maker of button badges. If you have the equipment you can even make them yourself.
So, what's the point?
- To spread the word about Islam's stance towards non-Muslims. Most non-Muslims are hopelessly ignorant of the Islamic worldview. They mistakenly assume that it shares the characteristics of other religions. Where they are generally positive about religion they assume that Islam must be a force for good. Where they are negative about religion they assume it is no worse or better than any other religion.
- To open people's eyes to the prison being erected around them. A climate has already been established in which opposition to Islam is framed as a crime. Sharia prohibitions against criticism of Islam and Muslims may not yet be directly applied but they are already indirectly applied by bogus "hate crimes"; "racism" - which is completely absurd since Islam is not a race and opposition to it cannot therefore be racist; and "Islamophobia" which is already gaining currency as a moral offence even though no-one can define it.
- To raise awareness that the Sharia prohibitions against non-Muslims defending themselves against Islam and Muslims are already being implemented. Criticism and mockery of Islam are forms of self-defence in today's circumstances but people have lost their jobs or been imprisoned as a result of their opposition to Islam and Sharia. This is a less draconian parallel to having one's hand amputated since one's livelihood is cut off.
- To raise awareness that an oppressive silence has taken hold; a silence that is the fruit of ignorance maintained by fear. There are plenty of things we could wear on a badge or T-shirt but would we get away with it? How about this: "Don't be fooled by Islam - Jihadwatch" or "Don't let Islam ruin your day" Apart from the problem of aggressive responses there's the problem that any statement of this type is seen as "hate" (an abstract thing which apparently is always bad) and the wearer's credibility is downgraded. Whatever he/she is saying is effectively locked behind an invisible wall of emotional fallacies. "Enjoy The Conditions Of Omar" teases the viewer's curiosity in a non-threatening way.
Resources to help you
Your first battle is to reduce your own ignorance and to clear a path through all the misinformation being spread to mislead you. You can do this very easily by studying the many good resources available to you online. Here are a few:
- has many informative articles and analyses of Islamic doctrine, history, contemporary issues, as well as primers for the novice.
- has lots of resources on primary Islamic doctrine and the teachings of Muhammad.
- gives insight into the Islamic justifications for current events including terrorism, persecution, and subversion.
Mark Durie – The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude, and Freedom, This will help you understand the worldview created by Islam, the way Islamic doctrine works as a comprehensive system, and how it has affected non-Muslims throughout its 1400 year history
Robert Spencer – The Truth about Muhammad. This will help you understand the character of Islam’s founder and how Islam itself so closely reflects his character.
Read the Koran. You will soon get to see the tenor of it, with its constant denunciations of nonbelievers and the terrors awaiting them .
The Centre for the Study of Political Islam has a series of books that are particularly helpful.
The Centre for the Study of Political Islam has a series of books that are particularly helpful.
Raymond Ibrahim - Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christianity
Read the biography of Muhammad known as the Sira. This will show you what the primary Islamic sources say about the ‘perfect model of conduct’.
Once you have attended to your own ignorance your next battle is to break the great silence in whatever way you can. If all you feel able to do is wear a badge saying “Enjoy The Conditions Of Omar” that is a lot more than most of your sleeping contemporaries, and it will point more people to the truth about Islam and its project of universal submission.
Jun 16, 2014
W. Predicted Iraq Meltdown; Obama Grilled Romney For Wanting to Keep Troops there (VIDEOS)
Quote "I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for the United States. It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous."
Jun 15, 2014
Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died
Jun 14, 2014
Islamists kidnap, rape then stone to death girl. (video) Boko Haram,
From the video, this young girl is in the attire of the kidnapped Chibok girls with Boko Haram for a month. Now she is buried alive leaving [only] her head out to breath[e] before she is stoned to death” - See more at:
Jun 12, 2014
Obama must be relieved for the sake of the USA & the world.
In the wake of the Iraq crisis, the vet scandal, the illegal immigrants humanitarian problem dumped in Arizona Obama becomes delusional and divides Americans by knocking down straw men arguments by imaginary people.
Instead of addressing the problems at hand, he effing campaigns like an idiot seeking sympathy. He lost it and must be relieved of duty.
Jun 9, 2014
Jun 6, 2014
Jun 2, 2014
Hallal (Permitted) Islamic Prostitution via a "temporary" marriage then a divorce. (video)
For some of the practical consequences of Muhammad's teachings about Mut'ah, see the following articles:
"Syrian Mothers Selling Daughters as Prostitutes to Wealthy Saudis in Accordance with Sharia"For a more thorough discussion of Mut'ah in the Islamic sources, see the following article by Sam Shamoun:
"Muta (Islamic Prostitution) Still Common in Poor Areas of Egypt"
"Hezbollah Using Prostitution (Muta) for Recruitment"
"Temporary Marriage in Iran"
"Revisiting Muhammad’s Permitting a Form of Prostitution known As Muta"
May 31, 2014
May 28, 2014
PP exposed: Sex-trafficking, sex-discrimination, abortion, and $500m have what in common? (video)
The pro-life organization Live Action has launched a new website platform for its continuing investigation and exposure of the nation’s largest abortion-mill chain, and issued a new report on its abuses. Planned Parenthood Exposed will soon feature videos from ongoing undercover probes, but starts off today with an introductory look at the effort:
May 27, 2014
May 20, 2014
May 19, 2014
Veteran Stopped for No Front License Plate, Beat to Death by 5 Cops (VIDEO)
Tommy Yancy, 32, father of two, was savagely beaten to death by five law enforcement officers during a routine traffic stop near the city of Imperial last Sunday, on Mother's Day. Yancy, a veteran who suffered from PTSD, served in Afghanistan and Iraq in the 259th Field Service Unit following the 9/11 attacks.
Yancy was stopped on his way to the store after a highway patrol officer spotted a missing front license plate on his vehicle. He was subsequently pulled from his car and attacked by a police K-9 unit, hit by a taser, and attacked by five officers until he succumbed to the beating and died. A witnessed, who filmed the incident, can be heard screaming on the recording: "How long before you guys call an ambulance? Call an ambulance!" According to the source of the video, who asked not to be named, his family has not been permitted to see his body, nor have they been given a cause of death.
A close friend of Yancy described him as "shy, and a comedian" and told me, he was an "excellent dad, who kept in contact with his army buddies every week." He also enjoyed basketball and loved hip-hop music. His sister-in-law, Jaqueline Hernandez, described him to me as "a very loving guy, loved his kids to death... they were his everything. Very funny down to earth guy, and loved by all".
Officers claim Yancy swung at an officer and attacked the K-9, however, near the end of the video, posted to YouTube on May 12 (, police are seen attempting to revive Yancy while a witness states, "All of this for one guy who wasn't even resisting arrest,". The officer is said to have received no serious injuries.
Deputies with the Imperial County sheriff's department were involved in another shooting last month, which took place on April 18. A teenager, Adrian Parra, was killed by multiple gunshot wounds. An honor roll student from Coachella Valley High School, Parra was described by loved ones as "a good person with great goals in mind." The Sheriff's department has refused to reveal whether or not the shooting was captured by one of their patrol car's dashboard cameras. Two officers involved in the shooting were placed on administrative leave, but have since returned to their duties.
Do we have another Albuquerque on our hands, or is this just a systematic wide spread problem that is under reported in most instances? Hint- its the latter.
Its time to demand the demilitarization of police and for them to be held accountable for their actions. We have become complacent and conditioned to accept brutality as normal mode of operation. "They are just doing their jobs", "They need to get home to their families", "Its dangerous!", yet a report put out by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund highlights that 2013 has had the "Lowest Level of Law Enforcement Fatalities in Six Decades"
So why is police violence escalating?
We read stories about a teenager with down syndrome being beaten in front of a crowd, a man who called the police to report his sons suicide being brutalized by the same police he turned to for help, and watch the video of Kelly Thomas being horrifically murdered while pleading for his life... But what do we do? We hit share, maybe retweet, shake our heads at the sad state of affairs and move on with our days. We are allowing this
May 15, 2014
Obama defends Boko Haram (Islamic terrorists who kidnapped, raped & will sell off as sex slaves 300 Christian school girls)

Hillary Clinton wasn’t the only Obama administration official who went to bat for Boko Haram over the past few years.
Soon after John Kerry took over as Secretary of State, the U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, Terence P. McCulley, accused the Nigerian government of butchery during a confrontation with Boko Haram terrorists in Baga, a Nigerian town on the shores of Lake Chad, and in May 2013 threatened to withdraw U.S. military aid from the West African nation.
Boko Haram militants attacked a Nigerian military outpost in April 2013 outside Baga, killing one soldier. Following the three-day battle human rights activists, including the George Soros-funded and liberal aligned Human Rights Watch, which is not exactly known for its impartiality when it comes to reporting on Islamic issues, claimed the Nigerian military wantonly slaughtered 183 civilians and burned down over 2,000 homes and businesses.
The Nigerian government denied the claims saying the death toll and destruction had been vastly overstated by its enemies, and in fact 30 Boko Haram terrorists, 6 civilians and one soldier, had died in the fighting. Reports from the Baga clinic, which treated 193 people following the battle, but only 10 with serious injuries, seemed to back up the Nigerian government claim that no large-scale massacre had occurred.
The U.S. Nigerian Ambassador, blindly believing any Islamist sob story that crossed his path, responded in a May 2013 meeting with human rights activists by defending Boko Haram:
No wonder the Nigerian government was initially reluctant to accept U.S. assistance with finding the more than 200 Christian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram last month. Emboldening Nigeria’s Islamic terrorist enemies and having been already accused by the Obama administration of crimes against humanity for fighting militants who were responsible for hundreds of civilian deaths since 2010, they likely felt that Obama’s belated support was more a product of diplomatic CYA than actually caring about the fate of kidnapped Nigerian children.
Obama Administration Threatened Nigeria with Sanctions in 2013 for Fighting Boko Haram
By Fred Dardick (Bio and Archives) Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Comments at bottom of page | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email Us |
Hillary Clinton wasn’t the only Obama administration official who went to bat for Boko Haram over the past few years.
Boko Haram militants attacked a Nigerian military outpost in April 2013 outside Baga, killing one soldier. Following the three-day battle human rights activists, including the George Soros-funded and liberal aligned Human Rights Watch, which is not exactly known for its impartiality when it comes to reporting on Islamic issues, claimed the Nigerian military wantonly slaughtered 183 civilians and burned down over 2,000 homes and businesses.
The Nigerian government denied the claims saying the death toll and destruction had been vastly overstated by its enemies, and in fact 30 Boko Haram terrorists, 6 civilians and one soldier, had died in the fighting. Reports from the Baga clinic, which treated 193 people following the battle, but only 10 with serious injuries, seemed to back up the Nigerian government claim that no large-scale massacre had occurred.
Mr. Terrence announced to the activists that the US congress had previously passed a law that bars the United States from rendering military assistance to any government that violates basic rights of citizens. He said the Obama led US government has therefore ceased to assist Nigeria militarily in obedience to the law.The threat of military sanctions, and whether or not they were actually implemented, is an open question as there has been zero coverage of this issue in the mainstream media, may have had a chilling effect on Nigerian military operations against Boko Haram. Since Ambassador McCulley’s proclamation the Nigerian civilian death toll by Boko Haram Islamic militants has skyrocketed over the past year.
No wonder the Nigerian government was initially reluctant to accept U.S. assistance with finding the more than 200 Christian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram last month. Emboldening Nigeria’s Islamic terrorist enemies and having been already accused by the Obama administration of crimes against humanity for fighting militants who were responsible for hundreds of civilian deaths since 2010, they likely felt that Obama’s belated support was more a product of diplomatic CYA than actually caring about the fate of kidnapped Nigerian children.
Pope prays for Islamists (Turks). Islamists on the other hand never pray for nonmuslims.
CNS on May 14, 2014 Pope Francis implores the world to pray for the more than 240 Turkish miners who lost their lives in an underground Explosion.
May 12, 2014
Islamists chilling videos of kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls raped then forced to convert to Islam (video)
Boko Haram release chilling videos of missing Nigerian schoolgirls and reveal they have all been forced to convert to Islam and will only be released if Islamist prisoners are freed
- Some of the schoolgirls captured by extremist group Boko Haram on April 14 have been paraded on video
- More than 200 girls were abducted by the Islamist militants from a village in the north-east of Nigeria
- Boko Harum leader has said that he will release the captured girls in return for militant prisoners being freed
- The Nigerian government has reportedly rejected this offer and has two army divisions hunting for the seized girls
- Governor of state where they were seized - Borno - claims to know where they are
- Kashim Shettima said he'd received reports of sightings of the girls and had passed this information to the military
- Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, calls for negotiations with the terrorist group, which he says is 'merciless'
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Apr 25, 2014
1915 AGHET - The Armenian Genocide (In English)
documentation about the Armenian genocide in 1915 which Turkey denies down to the present day. The documentation is based on reports of, amongst others, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin, the American National Archives, the Library of Congress and archives in France, Denmark, Sweden, Armenia, Russia and Turkey. These documents, hidden for a long time in order not to harm Turkey, leave absolutely no room for doubt about the reality of the Armenian genocide.
Apr 23, 2014
Central African Republic: Islamic jihadists murder Catholic priest, mutilate corpse
The Seleka rebels are Muslims who ousted the country’s Christian president and replaced him with a Muslim, and terrorized the CAR’s Christian population until they formed “anti-balaka” militias — the balaka was a kind of machete that the Muslims had used to kill Christians — and began to fight back. The international media has focused entirely on Muslims as victims of Christian atrocities. No atrocities by anyone are ever justified; the coverage has been astonishingly one-sided. Here, as in so many places, Islamic jihadists began the conflict, and there would be no conflict without them.
“Catholic priest is killed in Central African Republic,” AGI, April 19 (thanks to C. Cantoni):
(AGI) Vatican City, April 19 – A Catholic priest, Father Labbe Christ Formane Willbona, was murdered in the north of the Central African Republic, allegedly by a group of armed shepherds of the Fulani ethnic group, considered to be close to the former rebel group of the Seleka. The news was released by Vatican Radio. Father Willbona was returning to the hamlet of Paoua, where he was the parish priest of St. Kisito church, when armed men opened fire. Local security sources reported that the corpse was mutilated before being buried. . .
TRUST: New ad from Ore. GOP senate hopeful Monica Wehby strikes ‘powerful’ chord [video]
Dr. Monica Wehby, a pediatric neurosurgeon, is running for U.S. Senate in Oregon. And if this ad is any indication, the GOP hopeful is already an effective communicator:
A Marine's ObamaCare Story
Marine Corps veteran Christopher Schiff explains his ObamaCare nightmare. Christopher has a message for Senator Mary Landrieu: ObamaCare is hurting Louisiana families
Tony Blair says Islam a growing threat
LONDON – The West should set aside its differences with Russia and China to focus on the growing threat from radical Islam, Tony Blair said Wednesday, in a speech that included a call to support Egypt's military government against its Muslim Brotherhood opponents.
The former British prime minister said that tackling "a radicalized and politicized view of Islam" should be at the top of the global political agenda.
He said many in the West seemed "curiously resistant" to face up to a force that "is undermining the possibility of peaceful co-existence in an era of globalization."
Blair, Britain's prime minister between 1997 and 2007, is now Middle East envoy for the Quartet of the United Nations, the European Union, the U.S. and Russia.
In a speech in London, he said that "whatever our other differences, we should be prepared to reach out and co-operate with the East, and in particular Russia and China," to combat Islamic extremism.
Blair's political legacy in Britain is tarnished by his decision to lead the country into the divisive invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Blair acknowledged the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan had undermined Western willingness to intervene in the Middle East. But he called for the West to engage with the region, saying "we have to stop treating each country on the basis of whatever seems to make for the easiest life for us at any one time."
Blair argued that "on the fate of Egypt hangs the future of the region."
He defended the coup that overthrew the elected Muslim Brotherhood government of Mohammed Morsi last year, saying "the Muslim Brotherhood government was not simply a bad government. It was systematically taking over the traditions and institutions of the country."
He said the protest that led to Morsi's ouster "was not an ordinary protest. It was the absolutely necessary rescue of a nation. We should support the new government and help."
The former British prime minister said that tackling "a radicalized and politicized view of Islam" should be at the top of the global political agenda.
Blair, Britain's prime minister between 1997 and 2007, is now Middle East envoy for the Quartet of the United Nations, the European Union, the U.S. and Russia.
In a speech in London, he said that "whatever our other differences, we should be prepared to reach out and co-operate with the East, and in particular Russia and China," to combat Islamic extremism.
Blair's political legacy in Britain is tarnished by his decision to lead the country into the divisive invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Blair acknowledged the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan had undermined Western willingness to intervene in the Middle East. But he called for the West to engage with the region, saying "we have to stop treating each country on the basis of whatever seems to make for the easiest life for us at any one time."
Blair argued that "on the fate of Egypt hangs the future of the region."
He defended the coup that overthrew the elected Muslim Brotherhood government of Mohammed Morsi last year, saying "the Muslim Brotherhood government was not simply a bad government. It was systematically taking over the traditions and institutions of the country."
He said the protest that led to Morsi's ouster "was not an ordinary protest. It was the absolutely necessary rescue of a nation. We should support the new government and help."
Apr 17, 2014
True the Vote founder to Fox: Five separate agencies came down on me out of nowhere
Conservative activist Catherine Engelbrecht was on “Fox and Friends” Wednesday and said she has no doubt that there was a “collaborative effort” by a number of federal agencies to try to silence her. The founder of “True the Vote” made the assertion in the aftermath of last week’s release of emails by U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, that suggest U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., may have worked with the IRS to target Engelbrecht after her organization applied for nonprofit status.
Israeli Ambassador to UN: Christian Holocaust is upon Us
This week, as Jews celebrate the Passover holiday, they are commemorating the Bible’s Exodus story describing a series of plagues inflicted on ancient Egypt that freed the Israelites, allowing them to make their way to the Holy Land. But over the past century, another exodus, driven by a plague of persecution, has swept across the Middle East and is emptying the region of its Christian population. The persecution is especially virulent today.Read it all.
The Middle East may be the birthplace of three monotheistic religions, but some Arab nations appear bent on making it the burial ground for one of them. For 2,000 years, Christian communities dotted the region, enriching the Arab world with literature, culture and commerce. At the turn of the 20th century, Christians made up 26% of the Middle East’s population. Today, that figure has dwindled to less than 10%. Intolerant and extremist governments are driving away the Christian communities that have lived in the Middle East since their faith was born.
In the rubble of Syrian cities like Aleppo and Damascus, Christians who refused to convert to Islam have been kidnapped, shot and beheaded by Islamist opposition fighters. In Egypt, mobs of Muslim Brotherhood members burn Coptic Christian churches in the same way they once obliterated Jewish synagogues. And in Iraq, terrorists deliberately target Christian worshippers. This past Christmas, 26 people were killed when a bomb ripped through a crowd of worshipers leaving a church in Baghdad’s southern Dora neighborhood.
Christians are losing their lives, liberties, businesses and their houses of worship across the Middle East. It is little wonder that native Christians have sought refuge in neighboring countries—yet in many cases they find themselves equally unwelcome. Over the past 10 years, nearly two-thirds of Iraq’s 1.5 million Christians have been driven from their homes. Many settled in Syria before once again becoming victims of unrelenting persecution. Syria’s Christian population has dropped from 30% in the 1920s to less than 10% today.
In January, a report by the nondenominational Christian nonprofit organization Open Doors documented the 10 most oppressive countries for Christians; nine were Muslim-majority states noted for Islamic extremism, and the 10th was North Korea. These tyrannical regimes uphold archaic blasphemy and defamation-of-religion laws under the guise of protecting religious expression. In truth, these measures amount to systematic repression of non-Islamic groups.
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