Dec 15, 2009

Video: 4 weeks pregnant - heartbeat

Click here to watch the Beating Heart in Slow Motion: 4 1/2 Weeks Pregnant

By 4 weeks and 4 days the human embryo's heart typically beats about 113 times per minute. [Clip from "The Biology of Prenatal Development" DVD. For more information and movies visit

Video Link:
Tags: 4 weeks pregnant embryo prenatal preganancy heart documentary slow motion systole diastole beating

Haga clic aquí para ver el corazón que late en Slow Motion: 4 1 / 2 semanas de embarazo

Por 4 semanas y 4 días el corazón del embrión humano normalmente gana alrededor de 113 veces por minuto. [Fragmento de "La Biología del desarrollo prenatal" de DVD. Para obtener más información y películas

Video Link:

Meta data: semanas de embarazo prenatal de embriones preganancy documental lento movimiento del corazón latir sístole diastole


Christina Dunigan said...

The staff at PP are taught that their job isn't to provide information. The woman, they are to assume, has already made up her mind. Their job is to help her overcome any reservations. And this is crystal clear in this video.

Rick said...

That is understandable. It is immoral though if they lie in the process.

Gina said...

Thats not even funny!
That is horrific!
OH my goodness - unbelievable!
The devil is really at work.
Hope you don't mind that I post this on my blog Rick.

Rick said...

Gina: Please do. The people are aware, the less they would decide to abort.

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