"With the legislature approving several pro-life bills and Brewer signing them, the state is posed to see a reduction in the number of abortions....
Arizona led the nation by becoming the first state in the country to opt out of providing abortion coverage in any insurance exchanges offered under the new federal health care law.
Arizona taxpayer dollars will no longer provide elective abortion insurance coverage for any government employees.
Arizonans now will know the facts about abortion in the state as abortion practitioners will be required by law to report data about abortion, including physical harm to women.
Arizona leads the nation in enacting common-sense, ethical regulations for protecting the dignity of human life that do not interfere with legitimate bio-tech research.
The new laws include provisions that: require informed consent before a woman donates or sells her eggs to clinics, prohibit the sale of human eggs for research purposes and prohibit the sale of human embryos for any purpose, and prohibit human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, and the creation of human-animal hybrids. " (Source http://www.lifenews.com/state5095.html )
You may thank Governor Brewer at 800.253.0883 or http://azgovernor.gov/Contact.asp
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