Jul 11, 2010

Video: Muslim leader presents Islam honestly and it is not like what Obama says.

There may be peaceful and peace-loving Muslims, but that doesn't change the doctrine of Islam. As this leader explains, it is not a religion of peace.  Could an undiscerning compassion and political correctness be the death of us?
For people who want to escape its grasp cfr. http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/04/leave-islam-safely.html

Video description: CBN News traveled to London to talk with Anjem Choudary, a leading Muslim radical who says Islamic teachings are what shaped his pro-jihad message.  Hear in his own words that Islam is NOT a "religion of peace", but rather that Jihad and the killing of Christians and Jews is authorized by the Koran.

If video fails, go to http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/07/video-muslim-leader-presents-islam.html

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