Oct 11, 2011

Western Christians incl. Vatican turn backs on persecuted Christians in the East.

As for the Vatican, in the five years since Pope Benedict XVI laid down the gauntlet at his speech in Regensburg and challenged the Muslim world to act with reason and tolerance it its dealing with other religions, the Vatican has abandoned this principled stand. A true discourse of equals has been replaced by supplication to Islam in the name of ecumenical understanding. Last year Benedict hosted a Synod on Christians in the Middle East that made no mention of the persecution of Christians by Islamic and populist forces and regimes. Instead, Israel was singled out for criticism.

The Vatican's outreach has extended to Iran where it sent a representative to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's faux counter terror conference. As Giulio Meotti wrote this week in Ynet, whereas all the EU ambassadors walked out of Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denying speech at the UN's second Durban conference in Geneva in 2009, the Vatican's ambassador remained in his seat. The Vatican has embraced leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and the Middle East.
more from The Forgotten Christians of the East or go to http://www.carolineglick.com/e/2011/10/the-forgotten-christians-of-th.php

My comment: The Lord must be weeping in heaven.


Subvet said...

Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a Catholic. This is one of them. Yep, it's the true Faith and nope, I ain't leaving.

But if the Pope won't speak out about these atrocities, who will?

Rick said...

He did speak before and the Muslims were outraged and demanded an apology. It appears now that he is stymied. If I were him, I'll dispatch the Swiss guards to go and help the Copts with military advice and weapons training. But whom am I kidding.

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