Feb 24, 2012

20 nuns publicize support for Obamacare despite conscience violations.

It's Obamacare again as the "magisterium of arrogant and puffed up nuns" files an amicus brief to an abominable law that has been universally condemned by the Catholic Church. In every century, or decade or year, it never fails to have someone betray Lord. Sr. Keehan gets paid a million bucks a year for whatever she does in CHA. She must think this money makes her so special and so smart as to go against the teaching and shepherding authority of the bishops. These people make me so sick as they continue to inflict new wounds in the Mystical Body and continue to pierce the sorrowful heart of our Mother. This is a crying shame. Those nuns need to repent and spend the rest of their lives in the strictest nunnery to make up for their wrong doings. More disgusting than Planned Parenthood defiling kids.

Source:  http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2012/02/23/431147/catholic-nuns-file-brief-supporting-affordable-care-act/


For Obama to trot out 20 dissident nuns who support his Obamacare and the conscience violations therein is like someone saying, "You all may have Peter and the other 10 apostles, but I have Judas on my side. So, there is legitimate dissent."

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