"YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, April 30, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – A bishop in Ohio has become the latest to insist universities not host speakers who oppose the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion.
Bishop George Murry instructed Mercy College School of Nursing in Youngstown to disinvite State Representative Bob Hagan, a Democrat who supports abortion-on-demand, from delivering its commencement address.
The politician was to speak to students inside St. Columba Cathedral.
Bp. George V. Murry of Youngstown.
The invitation came “without any proper review by my office,” wrote Bishop Murry in a statement released on Friday: “While I respect and appreciate many of the social justice positions taken by Representative Hagan, it remains a fact that he also has consistently voted for pro-abortion legislation, policies, and funding.”"
Meanwhile, back in the ranch....
But Cardinal Wuerl says nothing to Georgetown for inviting Sebellius. Please email or call the chancery of the Archdiocese of Washington DC to know why. His negligence is hurting the Body of Christ - here in DC and across the nation. Evil will triumph if the good are timid and scared.
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