She’s done it again, this time with the bishops -lecturing them to get their flock to support legislation. Last week, she tried to address the priests. So, what's with her?
In my opinion, she’s turning them into useful idiots and posturing for November. If she can get the bishops to collaborate or even respond, she will appear that she or her party, is in speaking terms with the Church and enlist them into promoting their agenda. And appearances are everything. If you recall, the Pope did not want to have any appearance with her to the point that they was no photo op during her visit.
Now, she’s grabbing this opportunity to rally the Church in pursuing immigration reform. I wonder if she thinks the Church has forgotten about her role in forcing Obamacare that will lead to millions of abortions and how she ignored her bishop’s counsel and admonitions ?
She hasn’t but she thinks that the Church will fall for her shenanigans. Already, her video clips are being circulating in the ether albeit in a negative light. I won’t attach any of them here. But I noted this to highlight the power of the Catholic vote. And consequently, the grave duty of the leaders to educate and guide the believers about the immorality of supporting pro-abortion politicians like many in the Democratic party.
Hopefully people don't give this new round of posturing any attention. She’ll be lucky if she gets a response like, “Tie a millstone around your neck and drown yourself.” (Mk 9:42) That as you can see, is an apprioriate Biblical counsel given her legislative activities.
For more details read:
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