Dec 7, 2010

Obama hails Indonesia as worthy of emulation. Absurd. Outrageous. Despicable.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010; 12:02 AM JAKARTA, INDONESIA -  "Speaking before thousands in the city that helped raise him, President Obama on Wednesday cited this country's transition from dictatorship to democracy as a model in an Islamic world often governed by unelected autocracies. He also praised Indonesia - the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation - for a "spirit of tolerance that is written into your constitution, symbolized in your mosques and churches and temples, and embodied in your people," a quality worthy for all the world to emulate." Source: WaPo

Watch this video to see the Muslims' response to a Christian's trial for letting Muslims join in her Catechism class.   Why do you want the world to emulate this, Mr. Obama?

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