Feb 26, 2013
The Future of the Conservative Movement: Timeless Principles, New Challenges.” Contest Deadline 2/28/13
YouTube Video Contest: Post a video on YouTube that’s 60 second or less and addresses the topic: “The Future of the Conservative Movement: Timeless Principles, New Challenges.” We strongly encourage creative and fun submissions. Videos with the most “likes” and views will be considered in the final round of judging. Videos with profane, illegal, inappropriate or offensive material will be disqualified. Also, all YouTube submissions must include “CPAC 2013” in their title. The prizes are as follows: $750 for 1st place, $500 for 2nd place, and $250 for third place. Winners will be announced at CPAC 2013 and have their video showcased. By submitting their pieces, participants agree to our posting their videos on our ACU/CPAC website, Facebook and Twitter feeds. All YouTube videos must be submitted (with their link) via email to CPAC@conservative.org by Thursday, February 28, 2013.
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Blog Archive
Feb 26
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- The Future of the Conservative Movement: Timeless ...
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Feb 26
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